I know, i just dont like the actor
Wouldn't mind another Hulk movie. I think it's long overdue the norton movie was good and Hulk stole the show in the avengers movie. But still no hulk movie what gives?
He was decent.... But after seeing winter solider i'd be happy if he picked up the captain america mantle. He gave cap a run for his money, highly trained in espionage and hand to hand combat, Expert Sniper, and is a Tough SOB, plus ww2 veteran...
Wouldn't mind another Hulk movie. I think it's long overdue the norton movie was good and Hulk stole the show in the avengers movie. But still no hulk movie what gives?
You have a limited storyline for the Hulk. You can only formulate so many plots for him. I think they gonna have to start doing cameo's Can't just have stand alone movies anymore.
same thing for iron man and even thor imoYou have a limited storyline for the Hulk. You can only formulate so many plots for him. I think they gonna have to start doing cameo's Can't just have stand alone movies anymore.
hawkeye did that move first thoI wanna go see it again
Fight scenes so piff.
S. Stan actually auditioned to be Captain America originally before Chris Evans got interested in the role.
Bucky was the throwing the shield like a pro a few times.He was decent.... But after seeing winter solider i'd be happy if he picked up the captain america mantle. He gave cap a run for his money, highly trained in espionage and hand to hand combat, Expert Sniper, and is a Tough SOB, plus ww2 veteran...
can someone educate me on this did Phoenix kill Professor X? Because that's the impression the last X Men movie left you with starring Capt Picard. I was always under the impression that the phoenix transported him into another dimension/galaxy and that the kree became a part of the story after this
Dat Incredible Hulk Fight Vs Abomination...