After watching Captain America: Winter Soldier, here's my biggest gripe I have with Marvel/Disney. They refuse to go THERE! They always want to play it safe and therefore no controversial moves are made. So, when you it is advertised in movies trailers and whutnot that shyt about to get real, when you see it in theaters, you don't feel any dire straits. Even when it APPEARS on the surface things are hitting a low point, you know DEEP DOWN that it'll concluded with a cliche big 3rd act with a lot of explosions and blah, blah, blah, with even though they claim many "lives" are at stake, nobody gets harmed and the bad guy gets handled TOOOOO EASILY.
And even though Winter Soldier was more of a serious tone action thriller, it STILL used the typical Marvel/Disney playbook to where by the time you get to the 3rd act of the picture, you KNOW how this will end because you seen this scenario BEFORE in both THOR 2 and IRONMAN 3 and even to a exploitative extent the AVENGERS.
Will Marvel/Disney EVER do a film that buck their played out story line? But to play devils advocate, if it ain't broke why fix it? But to me, this make that franchise the TYLER PERRY of comic genre films. Where you SEEN this shyt before, just with different characters except Nick Fury is Madea who be all in those films meddling.
I know it sounds harsh, but this is my frustration rant. This is NOT by any means a condemnation to Winter Soldier, because it is INDEED an enjoyable film which I suggest everyone to go see. But with me, personally, I was HOPING they actually "went there". It's like why people love TDK trilogy is because Nolan went there, or why there's such a huge cult following for ARROW because they definitely aren't afraid of "going there". It makes NO SENSE for me to be MORE on the edge of my seat last Wednesday night on an epic episode of Arrow not knowing WHUT to expect than sitting there last night watching Captain America knowing EVERYTHING to expect. The predictability is something that needed to be corrected in future films.