So am I really to believe that racist white white slave holding/moving colonist really married and mixed themelves extinct with their slaves? I know the latino gringos were known to smutt out their slaves but in their colonies(Brazil, Cuba, Argentina,etc) they always maintrained the purity of their race by marrying and mating with eachother....While I know CV population is tiny and likely was even smaller back then..The white population never execeeded 2% so unless those Portuguese cacs were polgymist with muliple concubines or just wreckessly smashing dozens of different African slaves evey week and CV African men weren't allowed to have relations with their women how did the whole poulation turn mulatto expecially considering a mullato and non mulatto black person offspring isn't mullato? I think if anything the slaves CV sent to sent to the Americas were Cape Verdenians to Brazil considering Brazil is the only Portuguese colony with a huge African population and itexplaisn why CV populaiton is so so small.