Duck Season
For the most part dudes was cool. Met Camu and Metro a few times, smoke with Mu. Mu was cool as shyt. If you listen to the post humous album ELP dropped, then listen to some Cudi, you'll realize he influenced him a bit. Cudi met Mu, Cage, and Shia when he moved to NYWhat were they like? All I've heard recently was the fallout between Vast Aire/Def Jux since Camu passed
Met Aes, Elp (couple times) Vordul, RJD2, Copywrite. Did a show with Blueprint. Vordul was mad chill. Elp was chill, but he got a$$hole tendencies. but if i was a white dude who put in mad work coming up in 90's hip hop, i'd prolly be on some shyt also. i will cosign what @hex said about Print
final nail in the coffin for all that shyt was when Mu beat copy ass and it was caught on video
I maintain that that era might have been the most creative/experimental time in hip hop. alot of those album were conceptual and pushed boundaries.
and most rappers, not just underground dudes, can be corny.