Candace Cameron Bure Defends Her "Submissive Role" With Husband: "I Want Him to Lead"

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
I really wish people would post their success stories on how their way worked. I'm just saying.
I lead my wife. In her culture its expected and in my family the men lead so it compliments one another. I teach my wife how to navigate the demonic realm to bring more blessings to our household. I give her lessons on demonic filth so we are sure we are not inviting demons into our household. She is very warm hearted and naive when it comes to reading people so when we first started dating there was a lot i had to teach her about the demonic realm, friend. I taught her how to invest and save her money so she was making good use of her money instead of being frivilous.

She has taught me a lot concerning sentiment, kindness and giving. My wife does not go to someones house as a guest without bringing something. Since is started doing this it has really fostered relationships better for us. She is very good at making people feel good and acknowledging people when they are down or during the holidays. She has taught me how to be selfless and realize that helping others is less about making yourself feel good and more about helping others. She has taught me how to play craps and haggle with Asians. She is very good at bartering.

When you recognize someone as a good leader and you help add more tools to their skillset it can make their leadership skills even better. We play our roles and have been together 5 years while many of our friends go through their breakups to makeups, power struggling. :wow: Shes a great ol gal :wow:


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
I understand that different relationships work for different people...Im talking about my preference, and her being "submissive" aint it. I dont look at relationships as some binary concept where she's either some drone that is incapable of agency or thought that contributes to the relationship meaningfully, or some wild hellcat who doesnt know how to treat a man. "Independence" from women has become a loaded word in the modern male psyche, but Im not a subscriber to the idea that a woman questioning and challenging me, is incompatible w/ her being loving and loyal.

I think insecurity is the guiding force with many men here. They interpret a woman daring to breach their authority, as some sort of declaration of war, and an attempt to emasculate them. I dont think I have omnipotent abilities and powers that should never be questioned. I want to be with a partner that has the ability to contribute to me as a man, helping me see things differently, which will only strengthen me as and us as a union. That way a relationship becomes symbiotic, as opposed to me just leading her around on some sort of leash.
i love people still finding ways to argue with this lol. even if you dont subscribe to this, its not unreasonable


Thanks to the lawyers uh, I marbled the foyer
Mar 19, 2013
Somewhere tropic...
I lead my wife. In her culture its expected and in my family the men lead so it compliments one another. I teach my wife how to navigate the demonic realm to bring more blessings to our household. I give her lessons on demonic filth so we are sure we are not inviting demons into our household. She is very warm hearted and naive when it comes to reading people so when we first started dating there was a lot i had to teach her about the demonic realm, friend. I taught her how to invest and save her money so she was making good use of her money instead of being frivilous.

She has taught me a lot concerning sentiment, kindness and giving. My wife does not go to someones house as a guest without bringing something. Since is started doing this it has really fostered relationships better for us. She is very good at making people feel good and acknowledging people when they are down or during the holidays. She has taught me how to be selfless and realize that helping others is less about making yourself feel good and more about helping others. She has taught me how to play craps and haggle with Asians. She is very good at bartering.

When you recognize someone as a good leader and you help add more tools to their skillset it can make their leadership skills even better. We play our roles and have been together 5 years while many of our friends go through their breakups to makeups, power struggling. :wow: Shes a great ol gal :wow:

lol Respect.
Now any stories from the other side?

Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
I did and ive also been a black man with a black family and black relationships for over 30 years so i can say i have a great deal to offer in terms of knowledge on this subject, friend. :sitdown:

You married an Asian, don't talk about leading the black community. It's no wonder you're in this thread harping on about submissiveness.

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
You married an Asian, don't talk about leading the black community. It's no wonder you're in this thread harping on about submissiveness.
I think your emotions have cause you to check out of this conversation mentally and thats understandable when your thoughts cant stand on their own and require that you get personal with others.. Im going to say what i want and keep it angelic but if you dont like that you can always, ignore me which would make me sad because i thought we were having a good conversation

Black women led the black community before i got married and whether or not you want to face reality, single parent leadership by women, regardless of race, hurts progress of a people. I understand if who im married to means you need to hear it from someone else. The truth is the truth though, friend. :ld:
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