The invasion angle was. Instead of making everyone look credible and making sure the top wcw guys were all there, he made it a big McMahon family circle jerk with no top wcw guys except booker and ddp who both got buried along the way. By the end of the angle, raw had lost some 30% of its audience they had in March of 2001. He’s been out of touch since the early to mid 90’s. He didn’t even get most of the angles during the attitude era. He just felt compelled to let the people who knew what they were doing write the show since billionaire ted was breathing down his neck.
Getting the top guys would have cost a fortune they probably wouldn't get a good ROI on. And his plan to reboot WCW and run it separately got killed at the last minute by USA Network being dikks contractually.
Still, he buried everybody to be petty. There's a reason Booker has TWO, TWO, TWO, TWO, TWO hall of fame rings. He let Vince stretch him for years and still came out a legend.
O'haire could've been a huge star. Instead he's dead. Kronik could have cooked crack in the tags for years. Retired in obscurity. DDP made out okay but Jesus Christ, what a misstep.
And he dumped KIMBERLY PAGE.