I always figured the production companies bought all the equipment.
Nah they pay the wadges for staff, talent, location, production crew, etc. I guess technically they are by renting out gear, but they don't buy that stuff. Way too expensive and not logical. For example, a lot of tv shows shot in "Toronto" are actually shot in Hamilton. Companies get a bigger tax break. You might be able to get away with housing your gear in Toronto proper, but having to keep a warehouse for gear adds up over time. Same thing with lights. The higher up camera guys own a bunch of the lighting as well. I currently work for CBC which is ironic after making this video, and CBC actually has tons of gear. Like all of it from Audio to video gear, but they are a crown company. So all of the gear is actually government property. Otherwise there are companies like OC (Ontario Camera) or Whites, who rent out gear. shyt even sand bags, A/C's, and apple boxes are rented out.