Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to announce resignation this week

Nov 18, 2016

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
The Liberal Party in Canada is finished for a decade.

From everything I've read about them, they're basically Canada's version of the democrats. They'll say they're listening then turn around and do the shyt they were going to do anyway.

Reminds me of when you tell your boss that morale is low because people keep quitting because they can't afford to pay their bills, they cant get any overtime, there's nobody to relieve them when they go on vacation so they come back to more work, and his answer is a team building and time management workshop on Saturday+ a pizza party at the end of each month.

People can't afford to pay their rent and they're watching the stock market explode with record profits. People can't afford to buy certain foods anymore and millionaires are getting away scot free without paying capital gains or inheritance tax. The solution isn't to put out a program that 10% of people qualify for. The solution is to validate peoples concerns and respond with policy informed by what they want.

Propose a ban on anyone trying to buy a third home or at the very least, a 30% tax, the revenue can be used to build rent controlled housing run by government agencies. Tax polluters flying around on private jets and put taxes on first class flights and luxury hotel stays. Add a luxury tax on vehicles that cost more than 90k. Put an empty homes tax on people who have 3 homes and can't prove someone is living in all three.

Tax people who have more than they could ever use in multiple lifetimes. Tax polluting industries while putting subsidies on renewable industries and get a jobs program going to get people who are working in fossil fuels to quit and start working for the green competition. Create green initiatives in those cities most affected by coal and oil to revitalize those towns.

Enough half measures. If Canadian conservatives are anything like the American counterpart when they get in all they'll do is privatize everything, deregulate, and cut taxes on the rich. In Canada's case, they might even bend over and let America turn it into a 51st state.


May 6, 2012
Why is he hated?

Where do I begin?

I'll just say the main ones.. there are many.

Economy is in shambles after he said he didn't think about monetary policy. Replaced his minister of finance who resigned because Trudeau was fukking crazy with a journalist. She had no financial background and was literally Trudeau with a bra. She later resigned. He spent more than any G7 country during the pandemic. We have record debt, brought in 5 million immigrants. We saw record crime rising all over the country. 6M Canadians without a family doctor. GDP falling for over a year. Cost of living one of the highest in the world. Many, many scandals. Locked bank accounts of freedom convoy participants. Added tonnes of taxes. Carbon tax, $ sent to ukraine while foodbank usage at record highs.

Our dollar was at par and briefly stronger than the US is now on its way to 60 cents.

There are no jobs...all public sector. Kids graduating with 0 propsects. Brain drain is real here. Our country is a shythole right now. We are used by scam artists usually from China and India..gaming the weak system. We have politicians that are clearly compromised. China has influenced elections and nothing happened. Pcked a fight with India and got his ass beat. He's wateful. He has wasted so much of our money on garbage. 2 billion to VW to build EV batteries. Guess what happened? Has never had a job in his life. Trust fund kid that is likely closeted.

He has been a DISASTER. I wouldn't wish him on my worst enemy.