an opinion piece in the Washington Post isn't "even WaPo is catching on to his shenanigans". there is a reason it's labeled OPINION, it's JJ Mccullough's opinion, a conservative from Canada.
you're right.....they were forced to publish this.
an opinion piece in the Washington Post isn't "even WaPo is catching on to his shenanigans". there is a reason it's labeled OPINION, it's JJ Mccullough's opinion, a conservative from Canada.
You truly are a contrarian, you argue at length over real reporting, never mind all the op-eds by experts in the field that absolutely destroy most of your narratives, but you find one opinion piece by someone who clearly agrees with your narrative, an ultra conservative hit piece, when you claim you are not conservative, but lean more libertarian and left supposedly, and now this guy has the pulse of the country and has the prime minister dead to rights, and the whole country should agree?
you're right.....they were forced to publish this.
no they weren't forced you eediat. they allow independent writers to express their opinions in the opinion section. what a novel concept by the "librul" media.
you're right.....they were forced to publish this.
no I'm not.You truly are a contrarian, you argue at length over real reporting, never mind all the op-eds by experts in the field that absolutely destroy most of your narratives, but you find one opinion piece by someone who clearly agrees with your narrative, an ultra conservative hit piece, when you claim you are not conservative, but lean more libertarian and left supposedly, and now this guy has the pulse of the country and has the prime minister dead to rights, and the whole country should agree?
I'm not Canadian, I know nothing about Canada, but I recognize this game anywhere
Not sure why you are making comparisons with Trump here. Canada and America are clearly to different countries.Canada’s economy posts ‘blow out’ growth; dollar jumps - The Globe and Mail
So minimum wage increases in every province... increased spending from the government in transfer payments which lead to increased welfare - $15 Min. Wage increases haven't come in to effect yet, and won't until 2019. In fact most places in Canada aren't even at $12.
Free post secondary for low income students - That isn't a Federal initiative. and only for Ontario
Legalized Weed Doesn't exist
No tax cuts whatsoever - Exactly, taxes and costs are actually increasing.
No new free trade deals Not yet
No real increase in commodity prices
And the economy is tripling the American economy in growth, when during the Obama years it was the other way around?
Perhaps leadership does matter, Trumpset? Maybe 7 months of doing nothing except making headlines makes your economy fall behind?
Not sure why you are making comparisons with Trump here. Canada and America are clearly to different countries.
Imagine his face when he realizes record economic growth reduces the deficit due to an increase in tax collection. No tax cuts and economic growth its almost like those things aren't even linked.The Canadian Contrarian ran into some real Canadians giving him that Ether.
It's crazy because I believe y'alls growth is where Trump wants to be.Imagine his face when he realizes record economic growth reduces the deficit due to an increase in tax collection. No tax cuts and economic growth its almost like those things aren't even linked.
The conservatives who he "doesnt support" hedged their bets on corporate tax cuts and the energy industry. Even when oil was at all time highs, the economy was still anaemic because there wasn't enough stimulus to translate that wealth across the nation. 10 years and not one quarter as good as this one.It's crazy because I believe y'alls growth is where Trump wants to be.
But yea, I don't think he realized your point and Wil probably come back arguing against it.
1/3 the population but that still leaves 2/3s without the same benefits that are being brought in by the PROVINCIAL gov't....NOT the Federal.Ontario is over 1/3 of the population cac
Why are you comparing Canada and America? What an asinine question
The fact is Harper had the keys and we were in recession just before the election, and now we have incredible growth under Trudeau without a massive increase in oil prices. Hold this L
How did canada slide into negative growth in the final years of the Harper government? Having the strongest growth of the G7 during the recession and post recession years with anemic growth meant nothing. Post the year after year economic growth during the harper majority years, for the first 5 years he had a minority government and couldnt pass his agenda1/3 the population but that still leaves 2/3s without the same benefits that are being brought in by the PROVINCIAL gov't....NOT the Federal.
Harper had the keys during the worst recession since the great depression and was able to come out fairly well considering
Stephen Harper: strongest economic growth
Economic growth
According to the Bank of Canada, the real gross domestic product is the most common indicator of economic growth. Real GDP provides a measure of the total value of all goods and services produced in an economy and is adjusted for inflation.
Canada’s real GDP growth since the trough of the global financial crisis tops the G7, according to data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Between the second quarter of 2009 and the first quarter of 2015, Canada’s real GDP grew 13.3 per cent. The second best performer over the same period was the United States, which saw its economy grow by 11.9 per cent.
Job creation
Again using OECD data from the second quarter of 2009 to the first quarter of 2015,* Canadian job numbers grew the most compared to G7 peers. Job creation can be measured different ways, one being employment, a method used by the International Labour Organization. The OECD measures employment in terms of thousand persons aged 15 and over who report that they have worked for at least one hour during the previous week. By this measure, Canada’s job market grew by 7.2 per cent, topping the UK (7 per cent), US (5.7 per cent), Germany (4.9 per cent), France (2.7 per cent), Japan (1 per cent), and Italy (-1.9 per cent).
Other measures of employment may exclude informal work, self-employment, employment of family members, unpaid work, etc., which can shift the statistics. The Harper government’s own 2015 budget contains a chart placing Canada second behind the US in G7 employment growth over the recovery based on monthly data collected by Haver Analytics and the Department of Finance.
So among the G7 and since the financial crisis trough, here’s the verdict for Canada as top performer: Economic growth – true; job creation record – true.
I'll await your retort. one of those "well the budget will balance itself" type dudes??Imagine his face when he realizes record economic growth reduces the deficit due to an increase in tax collection. No tax cuts and economic growth its almost like those things aren't even linked.