Absolutely. I think a lot of politicians don't know wtf they're doing. LIke for instance, lets give people more money so they can afford housing. Sounds like a great idea, right? No, it doesn't. It eventually raises home prices because people can afford more. Just like how rent control was a great idea. Nope. Rent prices have skyrocketed. Stress test. Great idea. Well, it fukked over the first time home buyers and those at the lower end of the property ladder.
So policy can have great intentions but have opposite results. That's how I think NDP would have done things. Systemic change? Sure. I'm for it...maybe more people need to stand on their own 2. The ones who want it and work for it should be helped along. The ones who are here for a free ride shouldn't. Folk would seriously love for every Canadian to be gifted a house. NDP again spend spend spend spend just so we can all have houses...then what? How is it going to work? They're going to keep the immigration numbers up but at the same time build all this housing. Who's going to build it? Builders? Yea right. How will they be incentivized? There's so much more that is at play in the market that folk don't even think about. Home prices are high for many reasons, but one thing no one talks about is the cost to build. From labor to taxes on top of taxes...it's cost prohibitive to build affordable housing. So much at play pushing prices upwards. But NDP will just "figure it out" I suppose. If they get the opportunity...they'll learn.
You mentioned a living wage. Nah. Again, middle class and higher income earners getting fukked again. Where do we fit in besides getting taxed up the ass to fund their projects.