Punk is that boring
Punk is that boring
Orton's been midcard ever since Punk became ME 18 months ago. Stanning aside, this isn't even something that needs filing or understanding, its as plain as 2 + 2 = 4.
I disagree with this. I like Orton. Just think Punk is better.Punk already carried that bum and swagged on him on the mic, in angle and inring, too.
Orton is one of the worst all time.
Art Barr
dId you skip over the Erik watts comparison and Paul Roma comparisons.
Or you just do not know who they are.
Similar, to the original continuity and personality traits of Scott summers.
Before marvel writers butchered the character.
I am sure if you go study the two grapplers I named to compare him.
You will see why Randy Orton is pretty much a coddled paul roma and David flair rippoff with less talent.
When, roma was erroneously put with the horsemen as a bad mix and as a no-talent.
Plus, orton is a mix of erik watts with buddies higher up, to hide orton from being compared to having the same talent as david flair.
Orton is nuffin more than Paul Roma's wack horseman incarnation meets Erik watts.
With further continuity of David flair.
with a bit more rinngwork after flair was surrounded by crowbar and daphney.
Orton's whole character is nothing more than david flair with crowbar and daphney as well.
the legend killer is nothing more than when david flair came back and attacked flair.
Except Orton got to use the angle in a larger capacity with a larger variety of hof proven long term workrate extensive workers.
Plus was protected by higher up's in wwe.
Whereas flair and even watts could not continue.
As they declined interest.
As Orton declined interest, the wwe was public and coming off of a past era with cheese.
To endure Orton's lack of talent sucking the wind out of its rating and loss of revenue.
Whereas watts and wcw were on the chopping block.
Or failing as a promotion to draw without the aid of thunderlips and scsa to save it from promotional death in its company history.
If Orton had to work the really Indies he would have failed and given up.
Just like his dishonorable discharged deserter stint in the military.
Plus he would have crashed and burned like nick Hogan behind the wheel.
Art Barr
LOL @ Comparing orton and david fukking flair
Go to sleep art
Sent from Seattle, by way of Ann Arbor on Tapatalk: The Remix
David flair, paul roma, and eric watts never drew.
Randy orton does.
The rest of this shyt is FAKE.
Nothing else you say on the matter is relevant in comparing them.
but be honest with yourself man... orton hasnt even competed for the b-card championship in who knows how long... he hasnt cut a promo in forever... he lost to kane at mania... and i get that its fake... but why job your top talent to a guy that really is running on fumes at this point unless its to kind of prove a point.
it was loookin like a lock that dude could carry the company and be the rock to cena's stone cold... for the pg era...
its pretty clear now he isnt that guy.
David flair, paul roma, and eric watts never drew.
Randy orton does.
The rest of this shyt is FAKE.
Nothing else you say on the matter is relevant in comparing them.