Yeah man... and of course they'll take an L someday, but the way they're lookin' right now, it won't even hurt them. Also, they haven't been wasted with random ass matches or anything along those lines. Anytime they show up, you know what's about to happen. Also, they're all being booked as three tough muhfukkas- not as one dude in the front and two expendable dudes backing him up. This makes them all credible at once. Probably the best handling of a new team or faction in a long time... and yes, better than the Nexus, because with them you knew who in the group was gonna take all the ass-whippin's. These muhfukkas just come thru and whoop ass, and not on random dudes- Rock, Cena, Orton, Sheamus, Ryback, Bryan, Kane... this is how future stars are made.