China Shipping, Cosco, and Evergreen giving Maersk and CMA a big run for their money, sometimes them China shipping freight rates are status. It's cheaper to ship from Shanghai to LA/NYC than from Chicago to NY by truck breh
China Shipping, Cosco, and Evergreen giving Maersk and CMA a big run for their money, sometimes them China shipping freight rates are status. It's cheaper to ship from Shanghai to LA/NYC than from Chicago to NY by truck breh
Is the BRICS Strong enough military to face against the west tho?
China and India have 36% of the world's population. Russia is 9th in the world. Itd basically be everyone vs. the US if shyt really hit the fan...Europe isnt going to do shyt and it doesnt make sense economically for them to anyway. I highly doubt it'd EVER come down to a massive world war with troops on the ground, but if it did, I wouldnt be surprised to see the BRICs come out on top. Either way, its just going to be proxy skirmishes, digital attacks and economic moves..military might isnt going to be all that relevant.
Of course, the US has the best military and capabilities in the world...but if you put China and Russia together then that is a serious problem.
according to bible thumper's, the united states will fail/collapse and isn't one of the nations that will remain standing in "the end times". the1% have a choice to go anywhere in the world. they can buy citizenship anywhere in the world and chill. they'll just abandon the country and leave. ie have a few million in key countries to relocate and have the private jet on standby.good point.
once the west is defeated economically there's a good chance they will turn to the bullet.
or should i say the drone
It's more likely India and China start shooting at each other than the brics taking over anytime soon. They have already had border skirmishes, India is concerned about Chinese naval ambitions, and with wages going up in China more manufacturing will go to India. India also needs resources for their massive population.
Sino-Indian relations have been chilly for a while and if it is to last, they need Russia to play peacemaker. Russia has also had their own border dispute with China
China and India just squashed it, breh
That's why India, Japan, and the US navy are in the midst of high level military exercises involving the aircraft carrier George Washington. If China and India kissed and made up, why are the Indians doing all this with China's fiercest rivals.
John Kerry is also going to India for high level talks as well.
Cant is absolutely the right wordCan't?
You know we can remove those countries from the face of the earth right? I dont think "can't" is the right word... rather the cost(of victory) would be too high, so we chose to take the "L"
From what i read its not an immediate threat because theres just not a high enough demand for their currencies
Plus some of them are mortal enemies
And India is too dependent on the US