how though?
Im not aware that Africa was some unified force before Islam...
I also wasn't aware that the religion destroyed Africa... what do you mean by destroyed?
I thought that European colonization may have caused slightly more issues and division than any religion, especially Islam. Is it possible that some of the ethnic groups were pitted against one another by colonial leaders?
Some people seem to believe that Islam united some previously disconnect groups that went on to take over large areas and advanced them in science and technology..
Explain the significant ways that Islam helped to destroy and divide Africa.
No one said they were unified before Islam, the OP asked if Islam could unify the continent that's why I said what I said.
Islam divided people on religious grounds on top of the tribal ones, Islam in Africa brought the beginnings of the Trans Saharan Slave trade/Arab Slave Trade and built the model for the future European trade. Now we're not gonna say Islam did what the Europeans did but it can't be ignored that they did something nonetheless. While for a short while there were moments of cooperation but on the whole the addition of Arab/Islamic culture was the beginning of the African holocaust which was more cultural/religious and gradually along with European involvement became full blown exploitation and genocide.
Significant events could include the end of Ghana's age of prosperity and cultural development by the jihads of Abu Bekr in 1076, before this Ghana was a successful land known for its gold which had a culture and system of society/governance uniquely African and unmolested by outside influence. Ghana recovered its freedom in 1087 but not the power, grandeur, and state organization of before and became nothing more than a small state within Songhai/Mali. El Mansur's invasion of Songhai and the sacking of Timbuktu(way to promote Islamic unity) in 1591 after Askia the Great's death, in fact Turaegs, Arabs, and Berbers made a habit of attacking Timbuktu and this was really the last gasp of African high culture. The disintegration of West Africa from the Islamic Moorish occupations gave Europeans the impression that Africa was nothing more than a savage land of wreck and ruin, of course we know what happened next, wouldn't of been possible without Arabs desire to conquer and spread the word of Islam.