Where you from breh?
I'm Indian but from the US.
Where you from breh?
I'm Indian but from the US.
So where you get your knowledge on Africa from, you lived there?
I don't have a deep knowledge of Africa, that's just how I see it based on history and how Islam spread in other places. If you think I'm way off base then I have no problem hearing you out as to why.
Islam is the only religion that I can see the continent uniting under if it were ever to happen.
Other religions are too alien/foreign to be taken seriously by most Africans and Christianity is problematic with it's Eurocentric imagery that has come to pretty much define the religion. Arabs can't have anything to do with it though, it has to be a 100% African effort.
The West would never let it happen though, lots of blood will be shed and the blame will be saddled on Islam, as always, and by design.
and before the athiest brigade comes through, I see Africans as a naturally spiritual people....not going to happen.
Nope. But if they stopped being pagans then I think it would go somewhat better for them.
How can you say this without having, as you say yourself, a deep knowledge of Africa? Based on what?
Religions from the far east are too foreign in character to take a serious hold in Africa, so that only leaves Christianity and Islam. Christianity is some European concoction, Islam is an Arab concoction, true, but it bans tribalism and has more of a uniting nature than any other religion on the planet, plsu Islam has a history of taking hold in places outside of its birthplace without changing the character and culture of the population. IF Africans were to unite under a religion, I see Islam as the one.
You haven't answered on what you base your assessment/generalization of " Africans as a naturally spiritual people".
Islam doesn't ban tribalism, just have a look at the Middle-East and, oh, African countries where Islam is the main religion. Tell me more how united Sunnis and Chias are, or how mostly muslim countries don't fight each other. Without changing the character and culture of the population? Really? Do you know of teh indigenous cultures in Northern Africa who are still fighting TODAY to be recognized?
Iranians are muslim - their culture is Persian, Indonesian muslims culture is Indonesian, Indian muslims culture is Indian, Pakistani muslims don't practice Arab culture either, etc.
Before Islam Arabs were a backwards people that didn't know their left foot from their right. The Turks were nobodies before Islam and then they flourished and actually held the reigns of the religion for a grip....these are all facts.
And those indigenous cultures just aren't up to snuff when compared to Islam, so they will naturally be engulfed by the ideological free market. That's just the way it is. It happens everywhere.
and in regards to Africans being a spiritual people, that's just how I see it. Does that offend you? If so, it's probably because you're an atheist.