At times I wonder if Black folks who take issue with others saying that word when referring to themselves, display a form of cognitive dissonance. Still formulating my thoughts on that though.
Still, it's funny to me that some don't see the irony. Watching that rapper's video, he's mimicking what a ton of other aspiring Black rappers do. Ya know......mean mug the camera, hold stacks of money and flash it before the camera, waive a blue bandana in front of the camera, mimic holding a gun in front of the camera, throw up gang signs, etc.,all the while his folk are in the background doing the same thing. I don't think it's a stretch to say him and they referring to themselves as nikkaz is part of the same mimicry.
Besides that, even before the music, a lot of those communities were already referring to themselves as nikkaz. You got Asians blood'n and Crip'n. Remember this fool?
Who gonna tell him he can't say nikka?
At this point when it comes to that word, the ship has long since sailed, and you're not going to change anything by threatening what you'll do online. Truth be told a lot of you ain't doing nothing in person either. It's easy to woof anonymously on a message board. Personally, I think if you want folks to stop using that word, then it's going to take making it become unpopular to do so. The same way gangbangin needs to stop being glorified, or being a dope boy, rapping about the trap, etc.. That will happen when hell freezes over.