The current crop of Progressives are part of why the Democratic Party has lost votes.
They have taken the aspects of Liberalism that most Americans fukk with (clean air and water, safe cities and neighborhoods, equal rights, healthcare, affordable housing) and have extrapolated that shyt into a million things people DON'T want, used the money of the same billionaires that they've been telling us are evil satanic kid fukkers (oh not our billionaires though just the ones that donate to the GOP) and then create this cult like following where if you are not lockstep with what the party says then you're a nazi, or you hate women, or you hate children, or you hate Black people (even if you're Black!), or you hate democracy.
And as I've said before that's why it seems like the entire party is in a holding pattern, because they WANT do to what the internals say but they CAN'T because they're afraid their donors money and PAC money will dry up
Also, these trust fund progressives being anti-capitalism doesn’t work either. MOST democrats, including the black and latino base, wants to make money and be successful. They’re not socialist or communists. This doesn’t condone extreme wealth exploitation or the abrogation of labor or civil rights. Progressives have fukked democrats for generations.

@the cac mamba