🚨 Cali Gov Gavin Newsom SPLITS with DEMOCRATS on trans issues & says they wrong WRONG for allowing trans athletes in female sports!

Sep 15, 2015

All you do is spread lies and misinformation from hate groups.

The group embraces anti-LGBTQ ideologies by describing almost all expressions of LGBTQ+ identity as “sexualized” and potentially harmful to young people. GAG also racializes transphobia by insinuating trans identity is a threat specifically to white children and is promoted by groups like Black Lives Matter. The group’s leaders have also adapted a rhetorical and political strategy from the anti-LGBTQ+ movement intended to use trans rights as a wedge within LGBTQ+ communities. The strategy involves claiming civil rights are a zero-sum game between gay people, on the one hand, and trans or gender-nonconforming people on the other. The group regularly spreads vicious anti-trans disinformation, pseudoscience and conspiracy theories, and has attacked anti-racist and LGBTQ+ inclusive education practices. The group also supports censoring LGBTQ+ people, topics and images such as Pride flags in schools.

As far as that study, they're - surprise - lying.

Over the weekend, several far-right accounts falsely claimed that a new study showed gender reassignment surgery significantly increases depression, anxiety, and suicidality among transgender people. The study in question, conducted by researchers at Texas A&M University, does not support these claims in any way. Instead, it examines differences between transgender people who desire and obtain surgery versus those who do not obtain surgery, regardless of if they desire it. Crucially, the study does not measure the impact of surgery on an individual's mental health—there is no pre- and post-surgery comparison. Any assertion that the study links surgery to worsened mental health contradicts both its actual methods and the broader body of research demonstrating the positive effects of gender-affirming surgery for those who need it.

The study went viral after the far-right Twitter account AFPost (America First Post) falsely claimed, "A recent study published in Oxford’s Journal of Sexual Medicine sampling 107,583 patients found that sex-change surgery doubles depression rates among gender dysphoric individuals rather than reducing them." While the study does show that transgender people who have undergone surgery report higher rates of depression than those who have not, AFPost and its followers misrepresent its findings. The study itself explicitly states that it does not compare transgender people who desire but cannot access surgery to those who have received it. Instead, it examines two groups with vastly different characteristics—a fundamental flaw known as selection bias.

It is possible—and likely—that transgender people who desire surgery experience higher levels of gender dysphoria to begin with, which itself is strongly linked to depression and anxiety. It is also possible—and likely, given other studies— that surgery alleviates depression for those who need it, yet the study’s findings would remain the same. Crucially, the study does not analyze causation; it does not measure the impact of surgery on an individual’s mental health over time. In contrast, studies that do evaluate this impact consistently show that gender-affirming surgery improves mental health outcomes for those who seek it.

Think of two groups of students preparing for a major math exam. One group obtains tutoring sessions, while the other does not. The students who choose tutoring are often those who already feel behind or find certain topics more challenging. By test day, these “tutored” students might still score lower on average—just because they started at a greater disadvantage. This doesn’t mean the tutoring caused them to do worse; rather, it’s a classic example of selection bias: the group that seeks out additional help is already different from the group that doesn’t need it.

The study itself acknowledges another significant selection bias in its data: transgender people who seek surgery are far more likely to have extensive exposure to medical and mental healthcare systems. The financial and logistical hurdles of obtaining surgery, along with the mandatory mental health evaluations, mean that these individuals are much more likely to receive a formal diagnosis both before and after surgery. If this is the case, the difference in reported rates of depression and anxiety may reflect increased access to medical care rather than an actual disparity in mental health outcomes.

Extensive research has examined the impact of gender-affirming care on transgender people’s mental health, consistently showing that it leads to improvement, as expected. One study of 3,134 patients found that SSRI and SNRI use declined after surgery, alongside reductions in depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. Another study comparing transgender people who obtained surgery to those who desired it but were unable to access it found that those who underwent surgery experienced lower psychological distress, reduced smoking rates, and decreased suicidal ideation. Studies that focus specifically on the mental health outcomes of transgender people who seek surgery—rather than lumping together all transgender individuals, many of whom do not want surgery—consistently show significant improvements in mental health.

Despite the glaring issue of selection bias, right-wing figures are already weaponizing this study to justify attacks on transgender people. Within days of its publication, it was cited in the Montana House Judiciary Committee to promote anti-trans legislation. Those pushing this narrative consistently ignore the overwhelming body of research demonstrating the benefits of gender-affirming care and gender-affirming surgery on those who desire it. They do not engage with science in good faith—instead, they cherry-pick and distort data to fit their ideological agenda, using the very research they otherwise dismiss to manufacture justifications for further discrimination.



The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
All you do is spread lies and misinformation from hate groups.

As far as that study, they're - surprise - lying.

This is who you’re taking the word from? :dahell:


Lemme help you out: :stopitslime:

Sep 15, 2015
dumbshyt talk
Yes, intellectually honest people who make fact-based arguments. The research consistently shows that gender-affirming care improves the well-being of transgender people. Discrediting the person presenting this information doesn't change that.

And this is who you take the word from when you're not getting it from "End Wokeness" or "LibsOfTikTok" or imbeciles aligned with Chris Rufo:

GAG members have also attempted to use their gay identities to claim space to criticize other civil rights movements and attack democracy – often positioning themselves as legitimate victims and others, such as Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters, as responsible for their own oppression.

David Leatherwood, for example, has previously claimed white privilege is a “racist lie,” shared posts calling BLM a “terrorist organization,” “violent,” and “dangerous,” and bragged about “fighting back” on Jan. 6, 2021. Michell has referred to George Floyd, whose murder by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin sparked an international interest in the BLM movement, as “Fentanyl Floyd” in online commentary. In 2020, GAG New York chapter leader Marky Hutt (Mark-David Hutt), who also founded the LGBTrump Facebook group, was arrested twice in one weekend for defacing a Black Lives Matter mural. In a tweet about the vandalism, he wrote, “We need to STAND UP and take our country back” from the anti-racist movement.

Michell has also been accused of trafficking in “great replacement” rhetoric and Nazi symbolism, and GAG North Carolina leader Brian Talbert – who founded Deplorable Pride – threatened to kill “every single” Muslim in a post citing a claimed threat against Christians in Trinidad and Tobago and used other derogatory anti-Muslim language in online comments.

The racist remarks and attacks on BLM are accompanied by GAG’s insinuations that BLM illicitly funds gender-affirming health care and that trans identity is a threat to white cis-supremacy. Calling all expressions of LGBTQ+ identity “sexualized” and thus inappropriate for certain audiences is a convenient vehicle for censoring information and controlling the lives and bodies of students as well as the medical treatment options for parents of trans children. However, GAG has also explicitly linked their false claims to racialized fears that “transing” is targeting white children, specifically.

Connecting the group’s anti-inclusive education ideology – which motivates their opposition to LGBTQ+ subjects in public schools – with racialized fear on behalf of white children, GAG ambassador Sara Higdon, who is also sometimes listed as the communications director for Trans Against Groomers, has specifically claimed trans identity is most likely to develop among “upper middle class white kids of progressive parents” (even though trans people are more likely to identify as Latinx). Higdon claims “critical theory” in schools has “conditioned” these white children to believe they are an “oppressor” and the only way to “escape” their oppressed status is to “join an oppressed class” by identifying as trans.

GAG Washington leader Alex Chrostowski continues this line of thought, claiming, “There seems to be a perverse race to the bottom” in which students seek to “prove their own claims about how ‘disadvantaged’ they are” by feigning mental illness and displaying “increasingly disruptive attitudes or behaviors in class.” These behaviors are brought about, Chrostowski claims, by access to information and a permissive social climate that “celebrates any divergence from the norm, ie white, straight, cisgender” and treats whiteness and heterosexuality as “if they are to be barely tolerated.”

Not only are they racists, but they're liars and white supremacists too.

What did I tell you earlier? "Scratch a Liberal and you'll find a fascist"? Well, you keep living up to that.

Jamie Reed is also a lying clown.


Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
I have been proven right, yet again :mjgrin:

You may know alot about politics. But let's be clear you don't know as much about melanin as you think you do. Y'all had 30 days to prove me wrong while I was in The Bushes. But I digress

Fact is you are still wrong. Because all people will see is a Benedict Arnold in Gavin Newsome. This is actually more pathetic than continuing to go hard for trannies. Now this right here is what you call bootlicking.

And I'm sure some clown will come in saying how I'm secretly MAGA for attacking Dems even when they do what we ask.

But no,I said the party needs to get off these trans issues. I didn't say to roll out the same idiots who were championing it,and try to have them do a 180 on it like we won't notice:scust:

Newsome is done,I call for a complete rebuild. And being that I was 100% right for the past few years. Seems like you should be taking your notepad out. Roll with Newsome if you want and see what happens:respect:

Belize King

I got concepts of a plan.
Mar 11, 2022
I don’t want my daughters competing against boys.
They say gender is a construct and sex is fact based right. I don’t care how much hormones you are pumping in little Timmy I mean Tatiana, he/she still shouldn’t compete with biological women.
Let little Elliot/Ellen compete against the boys. It’s empowering.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Yes, intellectually honest people who make fact-based arguments. The research consistently shows that gender-affirming care improves the well-being of transgender people. Discrediting the person presenting this information doesn't change that.

Don’t cry that MSNBC ignored this study

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Oh great, the best chance the democrats have in 2028 is getting hung up on a non-issue while Trump burns the country to the ground

Exactly,let the peanut gallery notice,Dems are STILL arguing about trannies. Not the fact they lose the general election every time they lose black people. So it looks like they will be forever stuck in the phantom zone due to their indifference. To me we are past the point of asking for anything from the Dems. At this point they will need to crawl back on their hands and knees and acknowledge our importance,and they can do that by offering tangibles and a comprehensive black specific agenda:respect:
Sep 15, 2015

Don’t cry that MSNBC ignored this study

Over the weekend, several far-right accounts falsely claimed that a new study showed gender reassignment surgery significantly increases depression, anxiety, and suicidality among transgender people. The study in question, conducted by researchers at Texas A&M University, does not support these claims in any way. Instead, it examines differences between transgender people who desire and obtain surgery versus those who do not obtain surgery, regardless of if they desire it. Crucially, the study does not measure the impact of surgery on an individual's mental health—there is no pre- and post-surgery comparison. Any assertion that the study links surgery to worsened mental health contradicts both its actual methods and the broader body of research demonstrating the positive effects of gender-affirming surgery for those who need it.

Platforming bad actors who misrepresent studies and push misinformation doesn't make their claims true. The study in question does not show what you claim it does, and neither does parading a rheumatologist, who isn't an expert in gender-affirming care, on Fox News. Facts don't change just because bad faith actors repeat a false narrative.

The same sources you're citing to push anti-trans narratives are the ones that have historically spread racist pseudoscience. These outlets routinely lie about everything, from climate change to election denial, yet now, suddenly, they're credible? If they lie about everything else, why trust them on this? Oh, right, it's not really about facts but about pushing an agenda.

I don't watch MSNBC, either. So nice try, goofy MAGA scumbag.

What’s fascist about trans activists who don’t pass the visual test being told to hit the urinal?

Scratch a Liberal... You keep living up to it. :francis: