Women, including myself don't want to be bothered when walking down the street. Why is that so hard for dudes to accept? We don't stop y'all, when you're just trying to get home after work lol. Women are getting shot, cut, punched for not being interested in random dudes trying to spit wack game while you're just minding your business trying to go home. How are black feminists wrong for that? You shoot someone for not being interested in you, you deserve to go to jail dude. What do you mean, white supremacist ideologies? If I, a black woman kicked you in the nuts for ignoring my attempts to get your attention, you wouldn't want me to face charges for that?
Shooting, cutting, punching someone are all already well established criminal offenses.
Making conversation with no explicit threat is not a crime.
How can you possibly compare physical assault (kicking a man in the nuts as you put it) to attempting to get someone's attention?
What kind of logic are you using miss?