CAC women attach childish gambino at awards show

The M.I.C.

The King In The West 👑
Dec 2, 2015
Charlotte - Washington D.C.
Brothers like that often feel left out of the black community for their success. When you say they have assimilated that's a problem. They are exactly who they are. I don't think that their personalities cater to white people just because white people are attracted to them. Don't u see the problem when Donald can make the best black content on television and still be "that type" of brother as in not atypical but an exception?

I think that there are a lot more of "these type" of brothers out here than not. These dudes ain't the exception. More people need to start being themselves and worry less about fitting in.



Nov 19, 2013
They said Donald Glover wrote a pro black show that is critical of white people or "shyttin on white people".

That's a fact.....

Wesley Snipes played the character Blade in a movie.

That's a fact......

Donald is not with a black women

Wesley Snipes is not a half vampire half man fighting evil vampires in real life.

See how those Last two things don't really fukking matter in relation to the actual content of the show/movies? :mjlol:

1.You (probably intentionally) left out the part of his response that said he doesn't see how white people are "all over" Gambino when Gambino wrote a show "shytting" on them.

2. Again, this is proving my point. Just bc he played a character doesn't mean his real life nor opinions reflects it.

So go back, re read, and try again. :queen:

I'm not caping. I could give a shyt less who another man is shouldn't give a shyt either...that's my point.


His child's mother is white because he ain't 6'5 he failed the height test for 99% of Black women :troll:

Mad at what?

I brought up how she is white to support myself when I said that just because he "shytted on white people in a show" doesn't mean that his real life reflects that. He obviously isn't "shytting on white people" in real life if he is married to one and is always around them.

Maybe you two shouldn't jump into things if you haven't read the whole convo.
I wonder why self-proclaimed pro-black women who date non-black men don't get defended by black men on this site like Gambino is being defended now :lolbron:

No they have not, would not, and will not. You know why too. :mjlol: