simple. Human flaw.Beehive Mentality. ConditioningSo you tell me.
Why do all these other people get so much love and support while Umar doesn't?
lol. You calling him Jermaine and not Dr. Johnson or at least Umar is more juvenile than anything you claimed he doesConservative groups that are "pro family" and don't like the gay are able to start private schools all the time. The reason for this is that they behave in a professional, adult manner. They're not on social media asking "haters" to "run the fade." They're not faking phone calls with "goons." They're not on talk shows calling people "c00ns." They're not "barking" on their critics at Q and A sessions. And when they try to run scams and misuse donations, they face legal repercussions. Yes, even white people.
Jermaine's problem is that he behaves like an overgrown 13 year old boy. If you still support him at this point, you're just stupid.
simple. Human flaw.Beehive Mentality. Conditioning
When folks criticize a unmarried man for fawking an unmarried consenting female, then the motives of these folks are not substantive, credible, and are not based in wanting to protect Black folks from a scammer
He gave the location of the schoool he was trying to purchase.Obviously he can't build the school until he has the money, but again, he has no location, no curriculum, no blueprints/MEP designs (or even any architects/engineers he is working with), no path to accreditation (if he even plans to get it), no recruitment strategy for teachers, no organization structure...... he doesn't have to wait to get the money to make any of that stuff happen
No sir. Celibacy is an individual decision, with a self-regulated time frame, that some sees as beneficial in rewiring your sexuality, realigning your spirituality, and a mental rebootingPeople criticized him because he was telling Black people to control their loins and claiming he was but then he goes around tricking on and fukking strippers...not his wife, not a woman he was courting as a girlfriend, but a stripper...
Which adds to another case of Umar talking out his ass...
No sir. Celibacy is an individual decision, with a self-regulated time frame, that some sees as beneficial in rewiring your sexuality, realigning your spirituality, and a mental rebooting
Like with most of his suggestions, Umar spokes from his experience and has suggested folks practice what he did to hopefully achieve the same benefits he claim to have gain. Again, trivial critique and speculation of when and if a grown man is fawking further proves my point of human flaw, beehive mentality and conditioning...and more importantly proves that his scholarship is so good that folks need to find alternate ways to undermine him
all i read was he is about to run off with that bag
Same of y'all are the same dudes who will literally spend a whole day going in on a chick who gets finessed by a dude b/c she should have "known" better." Yet here you are excusing the warning signs. The irony is too much.
Remember when dude would get on the radio and lie about beng celibate? Then he got called out by the chick he was screwing.
"Dr. Umar...we need you to produce those receipts?"
"Receipts? I'm sorry your honor...I lied. I"m not really a psychologist. I didn't know what was goin on. I'm not really in my right mind."
it has nothing to do with who I am. It's comical and sad the arguments and tactics used by "Black folks" to undermine a man that is asking Black folks to implement the same proven tactics that other communities are doing, to better position ourselves and for future generationsAre you Umar...
it has nothing to do with who I am. It's comical and sad the arguments and tactics used by "Black folks" to undermine a man that is asking Black folks to implement the same proven tactics that other communities are doing, to better position ourselves and for future generations
If the shoe fits, then take it offWhile preaching bigotry against those in that same community
Every bad thing that happens to Umar Johnson types is well deserved