Isaiah Bradley
Those are are all black Republicans (exception being Cornel West). Few if any of the black majority democrat listen to what they have to say. As far as the black majority voting block is concerned, they are simply an extention of white republicans who they presume to be inherently "racist" anyway.
I still agree with the author's main point, more often than not, criticism of Obama's policy decision making is often wavered and distracted by deeper social issues regarding the sensitivity of his race.
Ok, what about Charles Blow, some members of the Black Caucus, Bob Herbert, Melissa Harris Perry, Roland Martin, Micheal Eric Dyson, Toure, have criticized the president about job creation, toughness against repubs, addressing black folks' unique problems, lack of accountability against wall street, following some of GW Bush's policies
To suggest that black democrats are not criticizing his policies because he's black is not accurate and it seems to blindly piggy back on a comfortable stereotype that many of us have embraced