Reagan was against public education and attacked it while he was the governor of California. In what way did Reagan advocate for free higher education?
Reagan was also against “socialized medicine” so how was he for government provided healthcare?
Yeah so let’s unpack this. Your criteria for why you can’t be a right winger is…
-you support free healthcare
-you support free education
Ronald Reagan was for universal health coverage as Governor of Cali. He opposed “socialized medicine,” but supported universal coverage through a system of mandates and tax credits… Obamacare basically.
Reagan in 1964:
“No one in this country should be denied medical care for lack of funds.” In a speech to the Phoenix Chamber of Commerce — in Goldwater’s backyard — Reagan said, “Any person in the United States who requires medical attention and cannot provide for himself should have it provided for him.”
As President, he never tried to eliminate Medicare or Medicaid.
W. Bush passed Medicare part D and S-schip expansions to public healthcare.
As far as free education, Ronald Reagan supported free education just like every other president, what are you talking about lol? He slashed funding for public education. He didn’t try to abolish public education.
So in short, “I support free healthcare and free education” doesn’t make you a leftist or even a moderate. Everybody to the left of Ron Paul supports those things. And you think giving people “free stuff” leads to government dependency and loss of personal responsibility. Hi Mitt Romney.