bytch ass Barage Obytchma did everything he could to stop Berngawd

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
just saw on CNN that "Barage Obytchma" is giving a 'speech on disinformation'

please tell me he's about to ether the fukk outta trump :banderas: someone needs to put this battery in the dems back. i still cant believe they refuse to take advantage of this constant oppprtunity to humiliate trump and his GOP fluffers


Jun 12, 2014
It sure won't help them win. :yeshrug:
A typical centrist non answer. refuse to take any repsonsibilities and blame every one else. if anything Biden calling for increased police funding will/could discourage some black voters
who feel betrayed, even some of his more loyal black supporters on social media were lambasting him for it

When they lose in november it will be because

Inflation and dems inability to control the messaging and narrative (weak mofos)

Their failure to pass key legislations including voting rights bill thanks to manchin and sinema

Biden's DOJ letting Trump and republicans pretty much get away with everything (again weak mofos)

His refusal to use executive orders to cancel student loan debt

Allowing out of touch centrist strategist to shape the strategy for midterms

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
I’m open minded, I just want to know from the coli socialists and haters of “neoliberals”what is holding people back from improving their situation in life in 2022. I have an answer to that question but what is yours?

The way you find solutions to problems with those who disagree with you is finding common ground and brainstorming answers
Why are you not a Republican? Everything you’ve said in this thread is verbatim right wing talking points.
Feb 7, 2015
A typical centrist non answer. refuse to take any repsonsibilities and blame every one else. if anything Biden calling for increased police funding will/could discourage some black voters
who feel betrayed, even some of his more loyal black supporters on social media were lambasting him for it

When they lose in november it will be because

Inflation and dems inability to control the messaging and narrative (weak mofos)

Their failure to pass key legislations including voting rights bill thanks to manchin and sinema

Biden's DOJ letting Trump and republicans pretty much get away with everything (again weak mofos)

His refusal to use executive orders to cancel student loan debt

Allowing out of touch centrist strategist to shape the strategy for midterms
Not even centrists, Susan rice is apparently the person holding back loan forgiveness lmao
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Seduce & Scheme
Apr 30, 2012
New Fed Data: Black Wealth Cratered Under Obama
Destruction Of Black Wealth During The Obama Presidency

Instead of using the money from Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) to help people who lost their homes, Obama shoveled that money into the financial sector.

Yeah, black wealth dropped under his administration because of his unconcern over housing. So yes, cap. And yea he is a boule negro.

Are you saying Obama did nothing to stop black people from losing their homes during the recession?

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
I'm a typical liberal alright and find leftists to be laughable. That being said, I don't even think you're 100% wrong on this. Yes Bernie had the better platform in many ways. Biden ran on a surprisingly liberal platform but overall his primary message was "Obama is my friend." The fact that his message worked tells me more about his opponents than him. That first debate, where candidate after candidate teed off on Obama, was a stunning display of twitter brain. Leftism drowns social media discourse/language, and when candidates allow young activists to create their talking points you get the trainwreck we saw. Biden, flaws and all, was a normal breath of fresh air for MOST people. And familiar. I'm not surprised he won at all. And I maintain he was the only person on that stage who would have beaten Trump.

My problem is that I don't want to hear crying from people who played the game 100% wrong. This is math. The delegate situation means you need to either win the south or come. And to do that, you need black voters. Bernie spent two election cycles trying to prove that he could conjure white working class voters and win off that...and it failed miserably. Instead of taking any lessons from that, him and his stans simply got even more unlikable and mean. "I lost because people are stupid" is not a path to success. But then again leftism is not about paths to success or winning. Leftism is about being right. And that's why you'll keep losing.

What a shytty situation. On one hand you have liberals focused on winning, with zero focus on power or doing shyt after winning. On the other hand you have leftists focused on being right, with zero interest in winning.
God this is such an awful post. 100% unsubstantiated conjecture

What do you corporate Democrats even believe in and how does the world you want differ in any substantive way than what we have now? Y’all are content having a corporate centrist Dem in office for 8 years who does nothing, and loses the midterm every time, followed by a right wing lunatic who drags the country farther to the right. Repeat, decade after decade and peoples’ lives just keep getting worse. And you have the nerve to act smug about these results.
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Luke Cage

Coffee Lover
Jul 18, 2012
As far as i'm concerned Obama was a perfect president. If i'm wrong i'm willing to rewrite history to make it so i'm right. Like everyone else does with their people.

some of you folks need to stay on code better. calling him trash doesn't benefit us. when he was in office holding him accountable was all good. He's out of office now, what's done was done. all your doing now is trying to make black people the face of bad presidencies and ensure no other black person is ever elected again.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
So its about what Obama "didn't" do for black folks - nevermind what he did do because, he did it for everybody else too...gotcha.

How dare this uppity n*gga not do more than provide people with free or affordable healthcare even though our people disproportionally have more medical debt than anyone else. Or how about the nerve of this bougie n*gga getting his administration to work getting the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule passed and instituted because the biggest barrier to black wealth was the lack of home ownership. F*ck all of that and anything like it because it wasn't just for us. He should of did all of that as well as dismantled systematic racism while he was at it, I mean he had 8 years amiright?! It doesn't matter that most of his agenda at the core were things that disproportionally affected black people, I didn't get my 40 acres and a mule. And why he didn't stand up for the brothers in Chiraq, ain't he from Chicago?? He ain't never did nothing for me and my family, I don't know why them white people in congress didn't want to work with him, I mean he in the same secret societies that they're in and believes the same things that they believe right?
Black wealth dropped under Obama because he did nothing to help struggling Black homeowners who lost their homes and/or saw their net worth plummet because of it, while at the same time continuing to bail out the banks that started the crisis while they got interest free loans from the fed.

And nothing happened to any of the Wall Street crooks…a couple of fines that don’t deserve to even be called slaps on the wrist.

And his top economic policymakers were the same people who created the crisis in the first place (Summers and Rubin).
Feb 7, 2015
As far as i'm concerned Obama was a perfect president. If i'm wrong i'm willing to rewrite history to make it so i'm right. Like everyone else does with their people.

some of you folks need to stay on code better. calling him trash doesn't benefit us. when he was in office holding him accountable was all good. He's out of office now, what's done was done. all your doing now is trying to make black people the face of bad presidencies and ensure no other black person is ever elected again.
Are we not doing this within a black circle? We’re not having this conversation with white folks. Hilariously I’m only willing to talk negatively about Obama with black friends and family so I get you about staying on code. I’ll be damned if I say this to white folks