Buzzfeed: families say male friends, family radicalized by misogynist, anti LGBT Andrew Tate, Kevin Samuels, Fresh Fit podcast


Oct 25, 2017
So Cal
We gotta try man. We dont have a choice.
We don't have to, and we do, let them go this thing their own, and enjoy our lives dolo. The human race will be it's own undoing regardless, whether it's WW3, the consequences of global warming, or women rejecting the roles they biologically exist to serve, this "human existence" shyt will more likely than not be deaded by humans

I don't do thankless jobs/work for free. If women want to be hardheaded ain't got shyt to do with me
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Sep 11, 2015
“We already grew up within a pimp culture with hiphop. This manosphere stuff is some new shyt for the whiteboys really. For black men its basically rhetoric thats preaching to the choir.”

Man, thank you for stating this because they won’t hear it from a woman!

This shyt is in the music little Black boys listen to. Black girls have been dealing with young men with a “pimp” mentality from the start of our dating lives 😩

The only way you avoid this shyt is if you are actually middle/upper middle class raised around guys who come from families who don’t allow hiphop “culture” to heavily influence them.
You don’t have a population filled with 20something YO Black men searching for wives, not finding any in our community and then marrying a bunch of women of other races. Most Black girls are dating black men who aren’t thinking about marriage until much later, which still benefits y’all because we are on a clock and you aren’t.

Just Google “marriage culture”. In tact cultures push daughters AND sons to get married young. But they also create support systems for those young people to help them along. That is not our current culture in the US/west.

Teen girls are dealing with teen boys listening to rappers telling them the goal is to have a “collection” 😒

Teen girls learn things from other teen girls who learn things from their mamas.

Teen girls are taught at a very early age, and I'm speaking about black teens, is to make a man do x y and z. Black teen girls around this country all have the same hand book to go off of on how to manipulate a boy. This is before the age of 18 teen girls learn how to game dudes.

Granted it to your statement about the music, many teen boys don't wanna have a collection, it's certain dudes that fit the description that want to have a collection of girls, and why is this, it's because teen girls go after the same dude.

Popular dudes get the most attention that's 10-15% of the male population in HS, so if you are in that 85-90% male teen population in HS, your pimp days are only dreams, you're pretty much content on any decent looking girl giving you attention.
Most male teens are virgins.

The 20 something year old males that are not looking for wives, let's go deeper, were they raised by single mothers? Most are, so who in that house is teaching that man to value family? To value manhood, to get married?
That dude is taking on the characteristics of his mama who is also single and maybe bitter and stuck in her dating life. Do you think she is telling her son to go out and get married, when she herself isn't married? Most single mothers want son husband, that son becomes her husband in many cases.

I said this, and this is my opinion, no hard data yet, but when a 20 something year old black male gets to that age, 20 something, it's very rare that his mama can control him or guide him. It takes a special woman or a male mentor to really shape that male outlook on his future as a husband in the grand scheme of things. He has to see examples of marriage, if his mama ain't married, his aunties not married, sister etc m, his homeboy mama not, the last thing on his mind in many cases would be marriage at 20 something.

When I see 20 something year old black males getting married early and he has come from a single mother, I tend to say that the woman he's marrying is truly special. If she doesn't have any kids. She understands somewhat the assignment.

It's a lot of factors that go into why nowadays 20 something year old black men are not marrying, how was he treated by his past relationships? Does he have trust issues, is he stable, mama more than likely isn't so stable, she's an emotional wreckage. I would say that he won't be stable and unbalanced from a man stand point. How can he be the head of a household when he doesn't know how that looks? Other than from his mama stance and that doesn't scream to him, let me marry something.

I get it but the hole goes deeper on why 20something year old dudes are not quick to marry these days. I fully understand it

As we have these honest discussions we will begin to understand how it is important to have a man in the house at all times. We will begin to understand how to at least try and put a band aid on this situation if anything, but it's only going to get worse for the women

You need a man, women need guidance and structure

Let me say that, I'm speaking on 20something meaning early 20s
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Make your own luck.
Jun 16, 2012
Breh this really sounds a bit delusional and like hopeful thinking. It also really over estimates the manosphere influence on anyone beyond the males who gravitate to it—many who are not desirable, aren’t having success with women like they want, and arent the men women are easily dropping panties for.

The average women would rather be single than to accommodate to a manosphere men. From the leaders to the followers—they are not desirable men who easily get women. On average are not pulling the women they feel entitled to either.

I’m not going to tell anyone what they want to hear, I’m just going to give it to you straight no chaser: right now manosohere men are getting lumped in with the incels AKA the socially awkward undesirables. It’s a terrible look for the movement.

Considering women no longer rely on men for survival, there is little incentive for most women to even want to accommodate to men from this movement because of what its now seen as.

There is no negotiation that will be had, if one group in mass does not care what the other group wants. Every study I’ve seen has actually predicted that more women than ever before will be single in the future. Take that as you will as far as this transitional period and what it will lead to in the end. :francis:

At best, both groups will just have to adjust to this new dating climate. But what really is happening is less people are dating and having sex, because they’d rather opt out or be single.

And that’s really the best way I can put it. There will not be the kind of change that you think there will be, there will just be less dating and relationships. Picture Japan.

And @NatiboyB when I said some men are getting radicalized, I was referring to the men who are interpreting the content the wrong way or without nuance and reacting to it in ways that are extreme. i don’t know how else to break it down, but to say that it’s not necessarily the content itself that is the issue, it’s the unhealthy way some are consuming it/reacting to it and carrying that with them when they are leaving their computers. Unfortunately many people in this country are dumb, and are uneducated sheep.

We saw how some trump supporters were very stupid and how they literally saw him as this brilliant messiah, when he did and said very little to warrant it. They did crazy things like storm the capital lol, in the name of trump.

There are some manosphere supporters or listeners of the content who are much like those idiotic trump followers. That is what I meant.

We're not saying different things. I'm just saying the dudes who used to be there to pick up the pieces for the fat women, baby mamas, attitude queens...they're just not going to be there in the future. Do you have male cousins, brothers, etc., below the age of 25? They are not interested in saving hoes or playing Disney prince. I'm in my 30s and dudes in our generation were still raised that way. That shyt is done with as far as I can tell.

The "manosphere" isn't something that you have to dwell in to get it's concepts. You can just come and take your red pill and move on. There's shyt that modern women do that brehs aren't cool with. That can lead to women changing or a continued decline of marriage as an institution and a plunging birthrate. The entire Western world is heading the latter way and that's why government is starting to get involved. Societies inch towards insolvency as populations age. And populations age when people aren't getting married and aren't having kids.

I think you do underestimate the number of women who look at modern feminism as just a trap to be corporate cog as well. Women are understanding how soul crushing Corporate America and all the bullshyt is. If hitting the gym, being pleasant, and not having a crazy body count is what gets you a life of relative leisure, best believe women are going to start seeing that as a more viable option than corporate BS. Most dudes would choose that in a heartbeat if it were an option for them. Pause.

You're also missing the fact that men vote. How do you think things would change if Onlyfans, Seeking Arrangement, Child/Maternal welfare and all these other economic stand-ins for stable yet boring men went away? shyt would change quickly, don't get it twisted.

Look at the male drift rightward in non-white demographics. Where this is going is staring you right in the face.
Aug 3, 2012
The simple thing to do is to stop listening to all these single people with a platform who can't keep a relationship themselves, and go out and meet people and form your own opinion. If they don't line up with your values, go to the next

Paragraphs upon paragraphs of the same shyt in here everyday when it’s really as simple as the bolded


Nov 5, 2015
This makes men look like lost shee

It was very clear they had become radicalized and what no one picked up on is that it didn’t even positively change the behaviors of women for men. Or make things better overall.

Respectfully your wrong.
Harlemhottie, a black women who is married agrees with the majority of ks talking points.

I myself in my own marriage has seen major improvements especially when I've doubled my income and then the hvm factors in, you'll see the immediate change in respect when you get when that value goes up, and everyone knows it

Did you see how many vids people made about how ks improved or saved their marriage? Or vids on how ks help them get married after making said changes?

It's definitely helped, you just don't want to see it.


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
We're not saying different things. I'm just saying the dudes who used to be there to pick up the pieces for the fat women, baby mamas, attitude queens...they're just not going to be there in the future. Do you have male cousins, brothers, etc., below the age of 25? They are not interested in saving hoes or playing Disney prince. I'm in my 30s and dudes in our generation were still raised that way. That shyt is done with as far as I can tell.

The "manosphere" isn't something that you have to dwell in to get it's concepts. You can just come and take your red pill and move on. There's shyt that modern women do that brehs aren't cool with. That can lead to women changing or a continued decline of marriage as an institution and a plunging birthrate. The entire Western world is heading the latter way and that's why government is starting to get involved. Societies inch towards insolvency as populations age. And populations age when people aren't getting married and aren't having kids.

I think you do underestimate the number of women who look at modern feminism as just a trap to be corporate cog as well. Women are understanding how soul crushing Corporate America and all the bullshyt is. If hitting the gym, being pleasant, and not having a crazy body count is what gets you a life of relative leisure, best believe women are going to start seeing that as a more viable option than corporate BS. Most dudes would choose that in a heartbeat if it were an option for them. Pause.

You're also missing the fact that men vote. How do you think things would change if Onlyfans, Seeking Arrangement, Child/Maternal welfare and all these other economic stand-ins for stable yet boring men went away? shyt would change quickly, don't get it twisted.

Look at the male drift rightward in non-white demographics. Where this is going is staring you right in the face.
cookie cookie. I Cookie Monster.
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Make your own luck.
Jun 16, 2012
Okay breh. Lol. y’all are too funny. like I said there’s a lot of delusion but not my issue. Good night.

No need to quote and respond if you have nothing to say. Saying the US and Western countries are going the way of Japan is not controversial. Nor is saying sexual politics is driving actual politics. If you have anything to add beyond "its delusional" (still not even sure what you're saying is delusional), you can do so.


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
cookie cookie cookie. I Cookie Monster.

All my posts have been deleted. I no longer care about this. The manosphere is needed. I salute it. KS was a genius. Women will get it to together. Carry on with your conversation as it was before I posted.

*No one else tag me in this thread. Only Cookie Monster will respond.
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