Respectfully, BW are the most race loyal group of people in this country. BM are the least. And that is backed by data.
BW have stood by BM and mothered their children, raised them and loved them for hundreds of years. So yes BW are the biggest supporters of BM regardless of what you perceive as an outsider looking in.
And stating the facts doesn't mean I don't support Black men. Lying or pretending to make someone feel better is coddling. I don't coddle adults.
Yes Blk women are at the bottom socially as far as women but we can only go so far as the status of our men. WW are at the top because their men put them on a pedestal.
However economically BW have independently made financial strides in mass.
We want better for ourselves and our men but we can't mother adult men to greatness. BW have zero control over the rank that BM have in society. That is something they have to improve and want for themselves.
You keep spouting these lies hoping fools who ain't actually privy to real knowledge buy into your gaslighting misinformation bullshyt.
BW initiate most of the divorces. BW ain't loyal, other races just ain't checking for yall like they is AW, WW, LW etc
Affirmative action/minority hires where companies deem BW LESS threatening than BM= more employment. Despite all that according to STATISTICS, BW may be more educated as a whole but they still earn less than BM collectively and in far more debt. So good job yall got more useless degrees to power the cog/matrix but don't own shyt which is where real power/wealth comes from.
You divestors all just watch Kendra g and these silly tik tok vids and think it's actual fact.
I also like how you have this pull your bootstrap mentality as if CACS aint just have folks in shackles for centuries. Of course WM uplift WW, they have the power and means to do so. It's a W/S society currently, you goin on with this rhetoric as if the playing field is even and brehs are just nonchalant with being the subjugated underclass being targeted, imprisoned and killed for sport.
How about we discuss how BW destroyed the family structure for zaddys government coins and housing which resulted in a lot of the lost fatherless brehs and dysfunction we got today. Naw you won't wanna talk about that, it's just all on BM because we're omnipotent God and ain't shyt at the same time.