@Hollywood Hogan you changed the quote fukker
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his basic problem is that he seems to think that american imperialism is some kind of peculiar and particularly evil form of empire and not just an extension of normal human behavior and other empires going back 5000 years
and/or that there is some greener grass on the other side when in reality on the other side of american empire is communism and islamic theocracies
American/Western imperialism/corporatism is a peculiar evil. Stalinist socialism is crap too, but there are other solutions that we can try to find.
no its not, using objective criteria american/western/imperialism is neither here nor there in terms of evil
now if you bring personal issues, subjective criteria or you have a moral crusade then you may conclude other wise, but you should preface your statement with the appropriate caveats when you use something other than objective criteria
the arabs engaged in chattel slaveryHow is American/Western Imperialism not peculiar or unique? It utilized the slave trade to set up capitalist hegemony using chattel slavery, which no other entity did...
what exactly is evil about technology and global communications networks, a network and technology which you are using right now btw, is the coli evil?the technological and global communication networks alone make it unique...
i dont have to show you it isnt, you are the one making an assertion not me.show me how Western imeprialim/ is not unique or peculiar
so what if its immoral? is there an empire in 6000 years of human civilization that hasnt engaged in immoral behavior or that hasnt oppressed other people? why would racial oppression make america unique in terms of morality?and yes, the act/institution of racial oppression is immoral, or what some would call "evil"