Some of you need to spend more time reading & less time making assumptions. Boyce Watkins & Michael Eric Dyson families were poor & both were raised in low income, urban communities while Gumbel's family was affluent & raised in Hyde Park, Chicago which is a middle class, multicultural neighborhood (especially during the 50's - 60's.). Also Gumbel's father was a judge, who put himself through law school & graduated 2nd in his class from Georgetown. So based on Brian Gumbel's rearing & living/social environment as a child/teen-ager, this is more indicative of Gumbel's so called "white demeanor" as opposed to him actually being a "white washed" c00n or uncle tom.
"As a leader, he was the first black to hold office in a national Catholic student organization. As a father, he was both strict and kind. While rearing his four children in the racially mixed neighborhood of Hyde Park, near the University of Chicago, he not only wouldn't let them get away with bad grammar, but he also wouldn't let their friends get away with it. ''He was very hard to impress,'' says Bryant's brother, Greg, 42, a sportscaster with the Madison Square Garden Network and, starting with football season, with CBS. ''A C should have been a B, and a B should have been an A, and if it was an A, why wasn't it an A before this?''
The Mourning Anchor: Bryant Gumbel is alone at the top with the memory of his late father