I'll be honest that I have a similar accent and quite frankly it has played against me when doing phone interviews and then I go in for a in person interview and they see it's a black dude. It's not always or ever advantageous really.accent is simply annunciation. it's the difference between n!gga and n!gger.
text book annunciation is frowned upon....it's really not his voice as we know chris tucker has a soft voice. it's the accents pronunciations people want to be black specific for mr gumble.
you know how stephen a smith carries himself intelligently....but his annunciations are "black" as in he will say "souf" instead of "south" type of thing.
I don't purposefully put it on and it's simply how I learned how to talk from my mother. Unless someone can provide some evidence of him hiding his bass I don't see why people think he is faking.