Bruh was talking about Diddy 20 years ago?


May 6, 2012
What does that have to do with Diddy?
Gutter only kidnapped the kids. :usure:
He doesn't say who did the &&-#:takedat:&@$&

But I think we know now -------->

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012

Master p recorded a number of xposal of rhe industry videos. When digital movies could be uploaded with simple frequency to the net.

It included how payola works .how much he paid.
How he checked them over his bread etc .

They included the sales spike era model upc fraud model. they copied from him from disc masters [if My memory on the distributor manufacturer serves me right, it been two plus decades since i saw all rhe vids]
Plus I know master p will break kayfabe. To keep it real to any audience.
that showcases administrative independence.
In a administratively dependant marketplace in music.

I know it is not cap. As master p even said ju. Ju was too administratively advanced. To have aeound no limit artist.

After juice embarraased all of no limit recording and in social meets administrative environment at no limit.
So the artist were eager to learn from ju socially and skillwise.

I just do not know the full story from first hand account. As this is ju telling me. After paying for his own travel and stay to be counted by no limit.

Master p respected ju was self made and administratively indie.

Yet it would be a bad mix. If other artist on no limit were around someone with juice braintrust administratively. As rhe skill level and draw was so extreme grassroots wise. Ju would have changed the lack of industry braintrust dynamic at no limit.

This also occurred at other stops as well.
Plus other stops were secretly vocal about me in the entourage. As I am a real pariah in corporate american based administration.

So sometimes I would get left in the background and not allowed in certain sellout environments.

Sohh sometimes you can be too smart for your own good.
Master p just real enough to tell you. While not trying to be so secretive about it.
like the other labels.

Plus Master p had just educated snoop and did not need another artist.
with that flagship advanced level of braintrust administratively on no limit then.
Coupled with snoop.

Plus socially ju and c murder are super tight.

So...ju had too much sway and too much talent.
to be in the environment. From what I know from that situation.

One of the few.
I was not there for.

As again...
I am a corporate administrative pariah.

You violate and I am around.

You will not have a company anymore.

As I am going hard.
till we both in the gutter and I am fine being in the gutter. As I am gutter.
While being in a business suit as a closer. Who made all this internet shyt profitable in my occupation. Plus in my interest flanked a headliner in juice. Plus drew connected to Chicago indie publication best chicago rap group and best rap group new comer and debut feature artist in short time after I debuted. With bon n nip on the release featured in double xxl.
Then followed it up with good grief too.

So no company was gonna risk it.

I get it.

I am a admin liability.
Plus juice is an extreme liability because of his experience and industry changing impact. To create rap as a draw in primetime radio. As well as create rap as a draw on primetime nationally aired television on nbc.

Art Barr