Surreal. Democrats are losing the Muslim vote to the Muslim-ban guy all so they could keep sending weapons to a country flagrantly ignoring our gentle requests to please slow down on the starving and slaughtering
First Pakistani Americans endorsed Trump and now a Yemeni group
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Kamala brought in Cheney to Michigan.
@realDonaldTrump just brought on stage Muslim American leaders at his rally in Michigan and received the endorsement of the largest Yemeni American organization in the country #Yalla
Buddy, did you listen to the speech?
Absolutely ridiculous. Have you ever heard Trump speak to AIPAC and to Miriam Adelson?
Much as I find Harris abominable, endorsing Trump while claiming to support Muslims is the dumbest and ugliest political spectacle I’ve seen this election season.
This tone-deaf blunder certainly didn't help.
Republicans are the big tent party now. Democrats are the party of the wealthy and laptop class.
This might have cost Democrats Michigan.
Yes truly surreal and sadly speaks volume about Harris’ incompetence and disastrous campaign. A self-inflicted wound, likely wished for (unconsciously) by the DNC and likely a large share of the society (as hard, if Trump wins, to explain the outcome otherwise). Frightening too.
I’m sorry Muslims are stupid it’s not our problem
Top-tier surging my financial gains
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Why isn’t anyone talking about M.E.V. bots? I’m generating 4-9 ETH weekly and here’s how!

Watch my step-by-step guide
how do you know it's not the anti-trans issue?
Listen to his speech.
He also talks about “libraries” there’s some of that going on
@krystalball was right. The Cheney strategy backfired.
Well, she seems to just be THAT bad Mr. Grim.
She can't hide it, and just said at a rally that wanted to talk about Gaza in '25. Not to mention she and Joe were at the helm when it all started. Annnnd, they funded it.
I understand it. I think you can too.
Ryan, the ban was only for the countries, initially put in place by your favorite guy, before Trump.
Democrats have long used identity politics to divide this country.
They cannot trick people for too long. Supporting Trump only grows because people realize the danger of Ds.
Seriously. Look at the alternative.
No clear choice.
@ryangrim have you considered that maybe you are the bad guy?
Why surreal? I lot of Muslims hate Palestinian terrorism as much as Israelis.

Because it was never a Muslim ban.
It was a ban from countries that didn't or couldn't vet their people.
The largest Muslim country in the world- Indonesia- was not blocked.
So were others.
It was always fake news.
I understand why democrats are panic mood. Majority of democrats are nowadays are atheists and their children are switching genders.
Democrats have leadership problem. All the democrats with common sense switching to republican because republican is the party that have the most common sense.
Gender stuff is killing the children. Children comes from school and ask their parents “ he dad mom, my teacher looks like a girl but she says she is a man because she switch gender..can I do that as well”
Sick democrats are turning this country to hell..they now after full abortion ban..women watch out..they are coming after your sports in few years

Totally predictable. I’m a gay ex-Muslim who is
/search?q=#NeverKamala. Uncontrolled Jewish migration to historic Palestine led to the creation of the apartheid state there. I can tolerate some discrimination in US but not Americans going bankrupt for endless wars.
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Jill Stein and Donald Trump will win most of the Muslim votes in Michigan and nationwide. Kamala Harris losing this election is the best revenge for mercilessly waging a genocide.
Right that conclusion actually makes a lot of sense because Trump has vowed to stop those shipments and demanded a ceasefire and denounced the Palestinian genocide and has a record from his first term of handicapping and not grossly enabling the Netanyahu regime etc etc etc
"We support DJT for his commitment to family values and our children's well being especially when it come to school curriculum."
These guys were never democrats.
These are long time socially conservative Republican always were trump supports. They are anti- gay, anti- trans right wingers.
They do not represent Muslim and Arab Democrats.
Just like everything else Trump does they are being purposefully Misleading.
What is the logic in this though? Why couldn’t they just back Jill Stein?
Not surprising really. Trump made a lot of peace in the Middle East while in office. The Muslim community probably feels he’s their best chance at more of it.
Conservative Muslim clerics endorse conservative presidential candidate.
Who could’ve seen this coming?
What's weird is dems are less worried about this than the Stein vote when this is more alarming for them.
Mr Grim its been a long time coming. Democrats brought it on themselves. I have voted in last 3 elections & always voted democrats. They took us for granted. This time we are all voting @realDonaldTrump enmasse. Democrats are out of touch with reality
And this is what we are going to get under trump ?
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On the Joe Rogan podcast, Trump appears to tentatively agree with Rogan's suggestion that one of the problems with his first administration was appointing "neocons." But then Trump gives a whole explanation about how John Bolton was actually a great asset, because he was such a lunatic and therefore struck fear into the hearts of those he was negotiating with. The previous day, Trump also re-affirmed that Mike Pompeo and Tom Cotton are on his list for top Administration jobs; people like Elise Stefanik and Marco Rubio are also clearly in the mix. Jared Kushner is staffing the administration behind the scenes.
The term "neocon" has ceased to have any meaning if the aforementioned people are excluded from the category. Trump will throw out whatever friendly interlocutors want to hear. If that includes vaguely agreeing that "neocons" were a problem in his first administration, he'll just say it, even if it correlates to no actual policy or personnel shift.
Trump Defunded Israel in 2020
via the Abraham Accords
& if he say he will stop this war
Crazy any Muslim would endorse Trump when these are his foreign policy advisors
This is the most bizarre election. I have no words
How much did he pay them?
Was it really a Muslim ban if Saudi Arabia wasn't included, but Venezuela was?
If the convict actually wins and stops the middle east war, I will be shocked (and secretly impressed)
Chickens for KFC
If this kind of endorsement puts pressure on Harris, then I say, "Good!"
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