The "born this way" thing is interesting. I used to think that way but i'm not so sure. I now tend to think of sexuality as a sliding scale where most people sit on the ends but there's grey area.
Personally, i'm 100% hetero but my taste in women is ever evolving. What I like changes to some degree and it's been influenced by external stimuli. Perhaps for others their preference in gender can evolve and be influenced externally. Certainly, it seems an inordinate amount of men who have been sexually abused become homosexual men which gives credence to that train of thought.
I don't know. But neither does anyone else.
Personally, i'm 100% hetero but my taste in women is ever evolving. What I like changes to some degree and it's been influenced by external stimuli. Perhaps for others their preference in gender can evolve and be influenced externally. Certainly, it seems an inordinate amount of men who have been sexually abused become homosexual men which gives credence to that train of thought.
I don't know. But neither does anyone else.