Brooklyn gang members lived large on more than $4 million in stolen COVID unemployment funds


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
I know a white dude who lives out in the country here in central illinois. It is rumored(per his ex girlfriend) he got over 700k in ppp fraud money.

All he posts is pics of him plowing the fields of his property in an old ass raggedy john deere tractor.

Dude probably aint gonna "stunt". He probably gonna buy more property
Is this him??
Saint Augustine Man Charged with Bank and Wire Fraud Related to Theft of COVID-19 Relief Funds

Or do you know by some miracle of sorts, all of the white people ppp fraudsters in Illinois? If so maybe you should do your civic duty and report those law breaking white dudes? Which also brings the question as to why you would know or associate with so many white dudes ppp scamming and living their carefree existences? But I digress-

There’s a white man in Florida who was caught purchasing property too.
Seminole County Man Charged With COVID Relief Fraud


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
I hear you, crime, specially not fraud is not limited to race. Even if certain nationalities like Indians and them are overrepresented.

But it's a difference between building a big company and also engaging in fraud, than just purely defrauding people not even trying to act like you got the money from something else. Like Jimmy Henchman, that's not the same as this. He was acting like a legitimate music executive, which he also was minus legitimate. Enron, they were actually trading gas. Worldcom was a really challenging AT&T. Madoffs company was really filled with financial professionals doing legitimate financial stuff. Lehman brothers, same there, one of the biggest investment banks in the world where 99 % were doing "honest" work.

So there's a big difference between acting like all of your money is clean and posing as a legitimate business man, and just flashing stacks with no story, no money laundering or anything behind why you have this money. And worse, you claim to be a gang member :snoop:
This dumb fuk right here is writing paragraphs explaining why it’s fine for white people to commit corporate fraud which resulted in millions of lost wages, tens of thousands of people losing their homes, broken families and non-prosecution agreements for the defenders despite a massive systemic breakdown in the financial infrastructure that expanded into years after.
You Caping cac stupid b*stard

Do y’all see this shyt - it’s okay because for white people- “it’s just a matter of business”. This is exactly how they justify their deviance too. Thank you soooo much for proving exactly my point in how some of y’all will make race based excuses for crime. Look at how he completely overlooks the fact that hundreds of people were killed off the Boeing American greed scandal, Worldcom,Healthsouth, Lehman were threatening and extorting their own people in their accounting divisions to fix the numbers while hiring security to “persuade” and stalk anyone who threatened to leak information - for over 10 years. Don’t get me started.

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
Exactly.. They didn't get away with anything.. So why is it people deflect to white people when these topics come up? In this particular clip, they was advised to stop being flashy and they still couldn't help it..

In all fairness that dude and his wife didn’t get a chance to be flashy again :demonic:

But yea y’all need to stop deflecting to white people on this. Notice how majority if not all the pics they show is of dudes flaunting money. U rarely see white boys with money phones from criminal activity.

Flaunting criminal shyt online gotta be some of the clownest shyt I’ve ever witnessed :hhh:


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
I hear you, crime, specially not fraud is not limited to race. Even if certain nationalities like Indians and them are overrepresented.

But it's a difference between building a big company and also engaging in fraud, than just purely defrauding people not even trying to act like you got the money from something else. Like Jimmy Henchman, that's not the same as this. He was acting like a legitimate music executive, which he also was minus legitimate. Enron, they were actually trading gas. Worldcom was a really challenging AT&T. Madoffs company was really filled with financial professionals doing legitimate financial stuff. Lehman brothers, same there, one of the biggest investment banks in the world where 99 % were doing "honest" work.

So there's a big difference between acting like all of your money is clean and posing as a legitimate business man, and just flashing stacks with no story, no money laundering or anything behind why you have this money. And worse, you claim to be a gang member :snoop:
Elizabeth Holmes invented an entire scam company using a faulty medical device that misdiagnosed fatal medical conditions for thousands of people. But I’ll go ahead and let you continue justifying whites faking their medical expertise and literally making death machines off illegally obtained Blood Money to teenagers flexing off $20k ppp frauding.
Please say more.

Let’s not forget all of the top tier medical centers and first rate hospitals that employed this fake doctor because they thought he could raise their bottom line and didn’t bother to verify his credentials. I mean, like you said- people only died or their bodies left permanently disfigured getting medical treatment from a surgeon who was not what he claimed. Damn those street level scammers though. Fukkin idiot.

greater good this fool said bc he’s white and he says so. This is what the tell themselves to convince us - he literally played right into my hands and confirmed the disparities and racism prevalent in the justice system. Loud and proud off the rip. Reverse psychology-ed this dumbass - I knew one of these Coli cacs would. They get mad as shyt whenever the mention of white crime is posted. Radar detected. “But it’s a difference when big company x and CEO McCacfrey commits financial crimes and corporate debauchery ….” Big Tobacco, Big Bank and Big Pharma hire BigLaw for a reason.
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Jul 21, 2015
I used to always think it was odd that Canarsie was ground zero for fukkery like this. All those single family houses with driveways, little yards, etc. - it really isn't a bad place to live. But I thought about it objectively a little and back in the day, in Brooklyn, there were equally as nice neighborhoods where middle class and upper middle class white kids were killing eachother frequently, selling drugs, running scams, etc. - with parents who were homeowners, successful business owners, etc.

I think it's really been a long, long time in America where poverty was the -sole- motivator for crime. At least organized crime that's a step or two above petty shyt and strong arm shyt. Some people are greedy, lazy, shortsighted, and impressionable - there's going to be people like that everywhere.

The whole posting on SM thing is more of a generational thing than anything else. I don't think this kids know better. It's natural to them and some can't even comprehend why they'd NOT do that


Jan 31, 2015
Romean brown fukked it up for the gang….

And of course they helped no one or the community with that money …smh

Kings County

Law III | Law XXV | Law XV
May 2, 2012
The Roman Empire
NY Daily News - We are currently unavailable in your region

with ties to the drill rap scene turned the COVID-19 unemployment program into a “bottomless ATM” machine, using stolen identities to score more than $4 million, police and the feds said.

Cops caught wind of the fraud when members of the NYPD’s intelligence bureau noticed that members of the Canarsie-based Woo gang were making trips to California, renting houses, buying expensive cars and posing on social media with stacks of cash at the beginning of the pandemic.


Christopher Jean Pierre and Keith James. (Court Evidence)

That led to a federal probe with the Department of Labor Inspector General’s office – and on Thursday, the arrest of 11 suspects in a scheme to steal nearly $20 million in unemployment funds.

They got away with more than $4.3 million before authorities cut off the money flow and arrested them, police allege.

They even bragged about the scheme in a YouTube rap video, Trappin’, with the lyrics, “Unemployment got us workin’ a lot.”

In New York State, applicants for COVID-related unemployment were given ATM cards issued by KeyBank, or got the money through direct deposits into existing bank accounts or old-fashioned paper checks.

“The result of this was like gang criminal magic. It was a never ending spigot of money, because when you tapped out the funds from one identity, you simply moved on to another, and to another, and to another,” said NYPD Deputy Commissioner for Public Information John Miller. “Imagine a bottomless ATM that was free, and just spit out cash.”

Early in the pandemic, the state had such a high demand for unemployment claims that its web site crashed, leading Google to help fix and re-design the site.

The system helped people in need apply quickly, but it also offered an opportunity for the gang members to get rich quickly, at least early on, Miller said.

One of the suspects, Romean Brown, 23, was pulled over for blowing a stop sign in Brooklyn in January 2021, and had three KeyBank debit cards on him, according to a federal complaint.


Jahriah Olivierre and Romean Brown (Court Evidence)

He posted a message months earlier on Facebook, asking if he should open a new chat on Telegram so he could get even more IDs to use. “S--- is too easy,” he said, according to the compliant.

“Individual gang members were purchasing hundreds of names from the dark web, the deep web and criminal sources that included social security numbers,” Miller said.

They’d also get driver’s licenses, often for $150 a piece, according to federal court documents.

"caught wind" aka nikkas was hating and snitched to the cops lol "Cops caught wind of the fraud when members of the NYPD’s intelligence bureau noticed that members of the Canarsie-based Woo gang were making trips to California, renting houses, buying expensive cars and posing on social media with stacks of cash at the beginning of the pandemic."


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
I hear you, crime, specially not fraud is not limited to race. Even if certain nationalities like Indians and them are overrepresented.

But it's a difference between building a big company and also engaging in fraud, than just purely defrauding people not even trying to act like you got the money from something else. Like Jimmy Henchman, that's not the same as this. He was acting like a legitimate music executive, which he also was minus legitimate. Enron, they were actually trading gas. Worldcom was a really challenging AT&T. Madoffs company was really filled with financial professionals doing legitimate financial stuff. Lehman brothers, same there, one of the biggest investment banks in the world where 99 % were doing "honest" work.

So there's a big difference between acting like all of your money is clean and posing as a legitimate business man, and just flashing stacks with no story, no money laundering or anything behind why you have this money. And worse, you claim to be a gang member :snoop:
By your rationale, the white and Asian privileged classes scamming over the high school placement standards and the college educational system by photoshopping their kids’ pictures into sports programs and cheating on college placement tests while robbing actual qualified students of their educational opportunities is perfectly fine as long as they get a job at these corporate places. Paying money in exchange for an admission slot are key fraudulent qualities that should secure their spot in white collar companies. The entitlement oozes mayo off your posts.



The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
The segment of Dudes in this thread who would snitch on their black neighbor bc they bought a BMW with a $2,000 down payment off a PPP lick but won’t dare open their mouths to report their white comrade who stole $10 million to purchase a summer home bc at least it’s a property which also ironically is historically, built on stolen land and bonus points if they’re not on IG. But then again, there is an alleged pro black comic promoter on here who would link up with Mel Gibson and sacrifice his soul to dig up Hitler for funding and collaboration for Proudboy productions so
This shyt is mind-numbing, self hate the epidemic.
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The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
I hear you, crime, specially not fraud is not limited to race. Even if certain nationalities like Indians and them are overrepresented.

But it's a difference between building a big company and also engaging in fraud, than just purely defrauding people not even trying to act like you got the money from something else. Like Jimmy Henchman, that's not the same as this. He was acting like a legitimate music executive, which he also was minus legitimate. Enron, they were actually trading gas. Worldcom was a really challenging AT&T. Madoffs company was really filled with financial professionals doing legitimate financial stuff. Lehman brothers, same there, one of the biggest investment banks in the world where 99 % were doing "honest" work.

So there's a big difference between acting like all of your money is clean and posing as a legitimate business man, and just flashing stacks with no story, no money laundering or anything behind why you have this money. And worse, you claim to be a gang member :snoop:
FYI- cacspotted since 2019^^^


  1. Post
    @Toyota is added. @Harry B
    Post by: Nicole0416_646NYC,May 14, 2019 in forum: The Locker Room
  2. And he’s one of THOSE pedo apologists like his banned UKAC friend @mortuus est

  3. That's 4 years ago, meaning that she was 10.