Thing about Luke is i got to see his training and progression in the movies...He trained on the millenium falcon.
He had several mid card bouts,he had prelimiary fight with Vader where his hand was cut off,he earned his stripes thru the trilogy his black belt in part 6 was believable and even as powerful as he was (taking down JAbba's entire record label staff and crew) he still caught the instrumentals from Palps...
Rey's resume isnt even close to that and shes gonna over him with no real mid card victories and no real ascension,she had one worthless conversation with Luke on a mountain top and shes ready for the finale....
bad example to the youth esp girls is you dont have to put in the work and it will still be given to you...Her resume is very light ,in the old trilogy Rey would be Jabba's assistant..the guy with crazy eyes and horns wrapped around his head...