If the man was uniform, just like the French soldier who was stabbed today, I think it's fair game. The people who killed this man didn't go and just start randomly killing others nearby. They wanted to make a political statement and attacked someone who they saw as being a member of a military unit.
That shyt is fair game to me. Like I said earlier, I have no idea why a 2nd generation British man who has only been a Muslim for 1/3 of his life feels like Afghanistan or Yemen is his land (outside of labeling it under a severe mental disorder, which I think it is), and while I think it's obviously a gruesome crime, at least they didn't kill a fukking 8 year kid watching a marathon like the two c*nts in Boston.
My old Sgt. Major used to say: "This war doesn't stop when you want it to, so always remain vigilant" (paraphrased).
Anyway, the article raised some good points that posters have been echoing on here for years.