43:14 is a good sum up of that exchange to me and where I stopped listening.
I don't see how any reasonable listening of their discussion could lead to conclude that

raised any valuable point up to this point. The constant strawmanning, mischaracterizations and illegitimate ad hominem would have been enough to show how flimsy this leftist purity test was, even if they were not topped by his visible anger and personal frustration at the other man he really wanted to talk to.
But I now see that higher in the thread you shared her exchange with the Vanguard and said that they "exposed her". Once again, how could listening to this convo make you believe that is a mystery to me. So it shouldn't come to a surprise that we have a totally different reading of arguments and situations. Gavin, in that very debate, conceded several times that he agreed with Briahna and actually had no issue whatsoever with her radar. He even denounced what you are doing here: insulting her and playing this childish adversarial online battle that is even taking place in this thread.
Just my two cents.