Bret Hart v. Kurt Angle

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Angle's learning curve def can get him GOAT consideration on that alone.

But I think you're shortchanging Bret.

If Angle's skill set was superior to Bret's, ok.

But what is a better skill set worth compared to better storytelling?

We watch matches for the story. I'd rather see Bret v. Diesel in a classic display of ring psychology than Angle v. RVD in a spot fest.

Bret told better stories in the ring, giving him the edge in the ring and # of very good to classic matches.

I will say that that's not all Angle's fault. Good chunk of Angle's prime was during the Attitude Era and the brawling style almost every match did limit him stylistically.

bret, had great matches.
yet his style of unyielding non-malleable character only yielded one type of atmosphere.

or one type of storytelling template with no actual room for any other component to fit into.

which is why, his matches with flair were ho hum.

or his matches and subsequent angles in wcw were also lacking as well.

as bret was so much into and coddled by his travels.

he never had to develop a larger robust charscter model to tell differemt story types.
angle had several successful character models all welded and melded together.

which allowed him several compelling storytelling types.

which also allowed him to grow faster and never become a one trick pony.

as bret criticized flair...
yet real talk bret never realized flair was better than him.

as flair had a robust spontaneous bag of experience/adversity and workrate to call upon while calling a match. to interweave different aspects that drew in more terrotories and in effect larger than bret. as flair's career still goes on.

plus is not limited to just being the grisled hair ring veteran.

that allows flair the ability to still be incredibly lengthening to wrasslin's entertainment value, and draw.

angle also has this component and versatility that bret lacked.
as angle has a larger host of more classic matches in modernized times.
which we can call off in faster succession than bret's legacy.
if bret was capable of working differen types or styles or characterization like kurt.
bret would still be an inring competitor as well.

as bret's unyielding character model.
actually could have lead to goldberg overprocessing the moment in his inexperience to look on par with bret.

which lead to the bret-killer savant kick that took bret away from us.

also,..bret's ability to never be yielding is also in part.

why vince was forced into the screw job as well.

as bret's unyielding one dimensional character.
also, created in part, the reason why the screwjob occurred as well.

these are issues kurt does not have. as kurt has more than one character model. so kurt could ineffectively lose more consistently, and still get back over. while appearing vulnerable to loss.

whereas bret would not even in injury.
allow himself to be pinned as it would damage his one-dimensional character.

that was how confining and unmalleable bret's character was.

which was also his achille's heel and reason his career took the strife riddled turn it took.

as bret never had a multitiude of compelling ways to draw.
which created numeorous avenues or angles to storytell from.

whereas kurt had numerous characters and avenues to create and draw from.

in a very rapid small window of time,...that could go down as unparralleled.

if ric flair did not exist,...yet, real talk, angle has more effective drawing characters and storytelling ability.
in a shorter time frame than flair as well.

kurt angle is an enigma.

it is a shame we never got to see kurt versus bret.

yet, real talk,.....benoit was better than bret.

so we got more from benoit/angle, than we would have gotten from bret anyway.

art barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
This, pretty much.

I feel like some people are blinded by the fact that Kurt Angle's peak as a wrestler (2002-2004) was of such a level that there were really 2 or 3 people on the entire roster that could keep up with him, and even then only in one aspect. Bret was more consistent over a longer period, but I don't think he ever had that type of peak as a wrestler where he was SO much better than the rest of the roster save a few people.

I'm picking Bret, however, because he also never had the type of rapid deterioration of match quality that Kurt had when he went to TNA. It didn't happen immediately, but it was blatantly evident by 2010 or so that Angle had pretty much lost all ability to structure a match outside of one style, capped by that awful, AWFUL exhibition in excess that was the January 4, 2010 World Championship match against A.J. Styles. He does "epic" reversal fests, whether they're 30 minutes or 6 minutes, and at this point, I'm just sick of seeing that, in addition to the fact that he's utterly and completely reckless with his body. Bret was the master of doing a lot with not much at all, while Kurt seems to be the master of making a lot not matter much at this point.

I just don't enjoy watching Kurt wrestle much at this point. Bret never, ever got to that level with me (WrestleMania 26 doesn't count).

that is not true.
kurt's match quality never declined in tna.

you would have to be someone who rants actual matches move for move.

for me to be able to qualify your opinion on that.

as i know from my own rants,...angle is one of the few guys who will make me write an actual whole rant on a ppv card to this day.

so saying kurt has declining quality match wise is not true at all.

as i have actually written the rants on kurt's matches to disprove this.
kurt still works at high quality clicks every match even when injured.
plus is not neutered by wwe outdated moveset semantics and backstage politics.

so certain workers look or get a certain rub.....

quality wose we get more from kurt in tna.

than we would have,....
if kurt was still in wwe.

art barr


All Star
May 2, 2012
Kurt Angle. Better moveset, more versatile, better on the mic, and every match was different.

Ill Lou Malnati

Be Well.
Apr 30, 2012
It would be the most legendary battle in the history of our great sport. And I can say without a bit of doubt in my mind that the winner would be