Brehs, WWE got AEW on the Ropes heading into the Fall season


Never Ever
May 3, 2012
Khan is a rich kid playing with his father's money. Turner will support it initially, but they're not going to have a venture that loses money hang out there for too long. Wrestling sponsorships are difficult to come by as is. For a startup, it'll be a tall task convincing people to buy ad time on a product that's viewed lowly to begin with.

no disrespect, but you don't know what you're talking about regarding ad sales.

first off, its Warner, and times have changed.

a majority of the commercial time in the show has already been sold, its called The Upfront.

Rell Lauren

Nov 30, 2016
no disrespect, but you don't know what you're talking about regarding ad sales.

first off, its Warner, and times have changed.

a majority of the commercial time in the show has already been sold, its called The Upfront.

May 1, 2012
Yeah it’s sad that I’ve been excited about WWE the last two weeks, the shows haven’t even been that great, but it’s been pretty good and what I don’t understand is why can’t WWE be like this all the time? 52 RAWs a week and only 5 are good? Not a good look at all.
yeah, thats where the motivation to create this thread came from

my gauge for how WWE is doing is if i can be entertained watching RAW or SD without the TSC live thread

lately, its been pretty entertaining with minimal fast fowarding :yeshrug:

they been like a 7/10 for a few weeks now

they were like 3/10 when they were stoppin action for commercials


Jun 4, 2013
The only thing WWE did was make sure, with the nxt move, that every single one of their fans know that AEW exists and will be on Wednesday nights.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
They should have jericho lose a few times then accompany him with a storyline saying he lost his touch and is washed up..then build him back up as a redemption story or something

Giving him a belt off the top might not be a good look

well one i agree.
as it is a mistake to go with the former wwe me guy as the opening main event champion heel.
I am saying Jericho should be elevated way further down the road as well. As he should be kept in his painmaker style gimmick. in debut where all he really cares about.
Is brutalizing the so-called best in the world. Jericho could easily show the dark side of what happens. When the most pedigreed guy is revenge grappling.
ruining similar but alternatively to the opening painmaker style njpw Jericho dynamic. Plus if you use jericho with the face paint in his vignette/entrances/matches.
It creates the heel mask dynamic of face paint as a meaningful thing. So when and if this mythical next guy like sting bf comes along. It can be done right. Plus for the time being.
it can serve as simple symbolism in matches.
from promo/vignette/ and the ability for noob casual match clarity content based dynamics. To establish face paint equals heel. heel Face paint equals some mockery culturally of something for basicvl visual hear dynamics. So when the cultural face painted bf comes along it works.
as the face painted hero only works for real. When it has a story.
as to why the face paint symbolizes what sting and the misappropriated warriror character content idea of face painted bf.
Was also grafted on wwe characters as a mainstay.
with that,...the best choice for the global heel starting out is cody.
Cody should be the main heel and in a more sensical dr Cody doom heel type role with no mask. Ir you can use the dashing Cody gets a mask gimmick against luchadors as well.
Where he looks at aew as latveria
all from his second gen birth right and name kept from him.
his charwcter becomes the defacto quasi tweener full heel after the long con reveal. Plus short can fourth wall reveals as well.
simply because him being a wwe pro and a Rhodes.
Plus his indy turn is why cody secretly feels.
plus narcissistically acts as to why aew exists anyway.
Both Cody and the bucks should be the main heels. With Kenny as the fringe weirdo made outsider tweeter potential bf bff. That eventually comes to and opposes the bucks and cody. After learning of this agenda and internally to physically striking out against this dynamic.
As the bucks and Cody did business together to make aew. While Kenny is ostracized because he acts more about himself internally.
or made to feel that way from the bucks and Cody's size complex being an issue. Plus Kenny flat out being a better potential lone face than them. Yet cody and the bucks are Cody and the bucks potentially as well.
where the conflict takes place that kenny is the main eventer. That created the boom for them.
to go out and get investors in the first place. This dynamic also plays out when and if the bullet club arrives as well. To offset the dominance of the bucks, Kenny and cody. Aew could easily make a product that took a shyt on the fourth wall of kayfabe. While also playing up internal shoot and contempt between all these so-called friends of the global indies.
Then make it seem like.
as fans we are all in on the work with them. wink wink.

instead, all we get are just few buddy bff based cards.

these guys went through legit from 1996 till now and ongoing. the worst work conditions for any group of indie contractors in sporting and entertainment combined. Which have a prevailing story of two cogs. One being size makes right and the next being.
the power struggle to control the direction and lives of people they know. who should from So many miles be family. considering the ordeal professionally they were up against.
with the monopoly of the big one.

instead, I feel all we are getting is a card.

through all this.
we should be getting a promotion. That explains why they are the alternative. It should explain in the first episode all the origins of these guys. To capture a merged rocky movie eighties meets late nineties boom. Going into the year 2020.

aew should be about the journey of an indy guy they said would not ever make it because of size. Plus lack of affiliation to the other company.
meant absolute long term burial as an independent drawing contractor.
this show could easily play up health care as an issue. With just the mox injury. By making it like he is a priority over others because of his closest timeline to being a former other guy commodity. Moxley could easily be off screen as the radical fukking up the bucks and Cody injured. All because they were playing games with his health bills and his travel as a work. Since they are also in effect inexperienced in any and every facet professionally as a company. They could be doing way way more. The moment i feared with this company is. It is not ran by the actual person or even booked about centrally. who all this at the end of the day is about ultimately.
plus and why we have aew.

including after all this.
aew has not shown to reflect in content.
why we have aew.
past just appearances and disdain for the big monopoly.
which have no value to a casual fan at all whatsoever.

especially when the casual is white and has no idea that aj styles came from all these guys. All they know is superior wwe production and the stigma and go from there. Aew needs to establish that this stigma exists.
plus and why it poisons casuals from being long term viewers.
who contribute their affection long term with no tails off from pro wrestling. Which only happens from the braintrust. Of the product insulting said viewer in short or long con. Which creates the long term affected casual into becoming a poser. Which creates the dynamic of the smart and smark/mark. That poisons being interested in the slightest bit a casual fan long term.

they can not even be a mark long term because their intelligence is insulted and intellectual investment is equally never returned.
plus since they never got it. It creates a dynamic that is poison to wrasslin as a draw. Aew needs to make casuals get it.
the best customer is a reoccurring customer.
which the wwe does not understand and hopefully aew does.

as right now,.....

aew is taking a poser style into launch. When it could and should be this definitive promotion. That really crowns the best independent grappler with the strap for that time.
plus creates in legacy their guys.

as the actual best in the world as a independent act. aew should be the place where every indie grappler that is on roster.
gets to equally explain and tell their character based origin and conflict story based reason.
for why we should care. It could easily be centered around their gimmick and why it needs to change.
or get better to be the best in the world for real.
it could be about the spreadsheet return online to the neilsons.

it could easily normalize the neutered workmate's work rate and dialed back ring speed of the wwe product. From just the spreadsheet marketing dynamic being explained. Of which the bucks could easily do.
by having them walk around with old ass printer spools of paper reading Xcel spreadsheets. Or even just blank paper in parody.
which could dispel the spreadsheet marketing based direction content base.
including the son in law can look competent dynamic of the wwe.
that ruins the wwe and will always ruin the wwe.
Plus the characterization over night. being crippled to cripple ache globally in perception from their intentional burial effect. So no other independent contractor can ultimately create a draw globally effect.

aew needs to change this and if they do not.

wrasslin will die because the mcmahons nonsensical carny based level at best ideals i touched on.
are a low quality Cancer. That has ill effect on the whole of all American programming from a base level as well.

aew could be the actual thing.
that shows how to be a successful independent contractor.
from the staged verbiage based contract negotiations.
plus give realistic shoot based conflicts in making matches in the boardroom that end in a violent bonzo gonzo brue haas.
it could explain a lot in wrasslin lore to premise to wacky.

to the one factor of eliminating punching with a closed fist to the face, just like njpw. Except it builds upon the code of honor aspects of roh. So when you play up the internal conflict of the matches and the buddy buddy aspect.
to reveal the heel admin goblin like intentions to set up matches. From the elite and bullet club quasi-clique parody gimmick swipe that brought them to the dance.

you have a product.
not just a product.
you have a conflict based build to the bf punching with fire based product that sells. Which all in all is all wrasslin is at the end of the day. The hot solo tag build between fans to a bf with fire.
using said fire to close out the long term character program of the promotion.

that now has fire in its punches to the face. As you get the casual to suspend belief in just the striking. Plus the shoot grappling background expertise of the competitors.
plus and how they can neutralize this fire effect. Which creates a fukk'n high drawing wrasslin match and story inring as well as out.

Right now.
I have no idea how all these friends,... one are friends.
Plus two are going to create conflict for a title. If they do not create on screen why they are who they are. The only way to do that and this is with Daniels. Plus it is all setup, still do. If you make Daniels the main piece to aew and why it exists. You can make him a cult followed heel villain with a faction that will be believeable. as he is why the higher power and the corporation exists in the first place. He has two henchmen of two distinguishable types. He has a fascist imagery gimmick to easily use. That can be made to cut him off as a potential tweener bf champion when he is a draw. From that as you do not know his intentions. He can serve and it is olausible from the intentions of his character being of such an ilk. He cns come up with reasoning to see his side as all good villains can do. While still feasting in him getting popped in the mouth by the fire filled bf. daniels has potentially two aew legacy program world champions and one of which is an indie legacy guy. That this Indy shyt would not be at all if not for his contribution in kaz. Which you can market shortened or long from francois kazarian. To modern kaz. He has the next two cold Scorpio potential guy flanking him. Plus a streamlined dragon ball z villain look. Before and in his final stage of transformation. That looks and plays part wussy imagery.
yet is his pen ultimate form meets gothic fascists wtf look cult gimmick.
that can make anyone look off their rocker from following him. Yet, daniels is always effective in causing any fukkery of all the best hof sports entertainment type.
since the late nineties and the most entertaining lone long term storyline sports entertainment reveals the past two decades.
one of which was botched by the promotion meddling.
yet lead to it being even more creative and hof worthy in its mistakes. That if finally done right, when the certain principles become available to be featured. Daniels would surely create a draw of some type that positively affects aew. Which is just in the long term. in the immediate short term. He is the actual cog that makes all this aew stuff seems as a triumph now.

plus and most important.
He is the only person in the world. Who can also normalize aj styles and db as your drawing alternative. Or any big wwe inhouse grapple created super heavyweight by the wwe. For the inevitable invading wwe big to aew dynamic. From competition, plus argueably if they ever debut in aew. daniels Normalizes styles, Db and the wwe style big from being the flat out best.
to questionable if they can beat Daniels that day and with obstacles of fukkery of any type. From run in to actually being beating clean.
his style is the very style all of them use and in that. You can play up Daniels.
as the master of the modern style aspect easily. As historically his match series with aj. Is why youtube to the indie boom even exists. Let alone the actual nineties boom from shadows
Which at the end of the day. Is what you face with and against in competition to the monopoly based company. who has has two booms working for itself in legacy. While you are the little darkhorse outsider art supremely funded guy in aew. Who has had their braintrust b*stardized to keep the big monopoly in place.

aew needs to be extremely vocal about why it exists. Plus why you are supposed to be getting.
a completely elevated product to the wwe immediately.
every waking hour of its tekevised and online shelf life based programming. Regardless what the wwe offers. if aew keeps up this whole give out a card shyt. We might as well, chalk them up to mtv wrasslin late night show status. or nitro with nondirection under russo.
to the low brow low quality carny long con of the clique goblin effect.
now seizing the declining draw aspect taking into full effect and killing your promotion When aew features all the high quality drawing reasons why the wwe is currently the wwe.
plus can potentially be the actual real high quality independent promotion. that potentially has the potential on paper.
to and becomes the dominant promotion.

art barr

I had to be a dad mid post. Sorry about the early mid post to the server. To long term edits to get this readable.
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Mar 4, 2015
Cats in here acting like 80% of the market isn’t going to keep up with both like they do already :mjlol:

John Reena

Jan 27, 2016
Let’s be reality....outside of The Bucks, Jericho, Moxley, MJF, Omega, Private Party.....they roster is butt.

Reality Check

Keepin' it 100
May 2, 2012
:gucci: at this thread

AEW has had a grand total of 1 PPV and 2 glorified house shows and somehow they're already on the ropes a month and a half before their first weekly show airs? All WWE has been doing for the past couple months have been panic-infused moves to try keeping people tuned into their product and tune out AEW.

I could see this thread being made in December or January if AEW is struggling, but making it before their first TV show is a shyt thread and neg-worthy to put it lightly.


Jan 8, 2014
Dallas, TX
They coming out with their big guns and some of the casual AEW buzz is fallin unless you're a die-hard fan watching all their youtube shows, etc

WWE as a whole still trash but you cant deny their new unique attempts to programming

  • All Things "The Fiend"
  • 24/7 Title being a complete success
  • Sasha's Heel Turn
  • The mysterious "Who attacked Roman" intriguing storyline
  • The New Day vs "The MAGA Powers" (Orton/Revival)
  • The OC (stables are always fun)
  • Sami being Shinsuke's mouthpiece
  • "King of the Ring" Tournament
  • Braun's slow burn to challenging Seth for the Universal Title
  • NXT moving to USA to go heads up with AEW
  • New WWE Network layout (although its trash)
  • Todd Chrisley's show is dead

What's AEW got? :yeshrug:
You named 11 different things and still said the company as a whole is trash:mjlol: The new layout for the network is much better for all platforms, the fact that it took them so long to implement the feature to manually select the year for all systems is ridiculous. The reality is that people were never done with the WWE but were done with the lazy efforts from the company. Look at how easy it was for them to take over the wrestling media with an entrance and a heel turn:pachaha: