Speak on it, my brotha.
In an ideal world we would love black women to just naturally submit to us. But that's not the case. Consider submission like respect: it's something to be earned, not begged or bartered.
Unfortunately for us, this is a white man's world and a woman's nature is to seek the highest tier, strongest men. This is why Asian women do Olympic track and field jumps to bag a white man: social capital. It's also why, for the most part, white women are compliant to white men. Essentially, white men have conquered and you must accept that they have conquered and are seen as number one. We were enslaved and subjected to Jim Crow and emasculated. As much as I'm pro-black, that's a bad record for our men and men are supposed to protect women. Think of it from a woman's eyes. So unfortunately, we as black men, must prove we are worth following to a black woman. You as a man must always prove your worth to any women, but black women will rightfully have a stronger filter.
Women can't help it. Allah embued them with this as a defense mechanism. It's in their nature. So when they say,"I don't need no man" it's a lie. A facade. A mask in order to protect her from hurt because she was disappointed by so many men in her life. When sociologically studied, it can be used as warfare against populations. In their studies, white people have used all of this against black people to further divide us as they use human nature and women's nature against by taking black fathers out of the picture with mass incarceration, things like red lining;etc. This makes the women more masculine and then the men don't know how to handle it. The result? Families destroyed. Doesn't help that black culture overwhelmingly infantilizes boys and has lower standards on them than the girls. This is also why black women, and to a lesser extent latino women, go for gangsters: because historically they have lacked protection. For a defense mechanism they go for not just masculine men, but
hyper masculine men. It's an over correction. Being masculine just doesn't cut it. In a black woman's eyes, a gangsta is more capable of protecting her even if it's wrong. But it doesn't matter because it's how she
So in order to get the submission you crave from black women you have to show you're worthy of it. Once that falls into place black women are much easier to "tame" and you don't get problems from the vast majority of them. The majority of black women just want a real black man and some masculine energy so that they can finally breathe in a world that demands they lift everything up on their shoulders. Women say they're strong. The truth is that women don't want to be. Strength is what a man is for.