3 Stacks for a PC

What's your entertainment setup looking like then?

What's your entertainment setup looking like then?
My core is an i5 2500k and a GTX 570 with 8 gigs RAM. I can run most games at high to ultra settings at an average of about 60 fps...a little lower for BF3. havent tested it to the max yet but the point is its a pretty good setup to last me another 3-4 years with high settings. For $3000 though you can afford the best of the best. I spent about $1300 on my setup.Im def going intel.. I hear the i7 chip isnt even necessar for high performance gaming.. and Im thinking of going with NVIDIA simply because my perception says they make better graphics card
Im pretty lost with everything else.. Especially when It comes to buying a motherboard, type of Ram and Type of Harddrive, and Soundcard
What are you rocking for your setup?
3 Stacks for a PC
What's your entertainment setup looking like then?
Actually, My entertaininment system isnt all that at all..
our 50 Inch Flat just busted, so im watching everthing on my 30 something inch samsung right now
But I dont really care about upgrading my entertainment system right now.. But I do want to setup a nice sound system connected to my new PC once its built
With 3 stacks, you could upgrade your PC and get a decent entertainment setup.
An since your worried about audio get a mobo with a optical s/pdif out. Or get a dedicated sound card but there pretty unnecessary these days.