Will either stay the same or dip a little with the outside shots.He shot 54% last season
He might be the best 22 year old ive ever seen in the nba
Lebron was a beast though so its between those two
Steve Nash logic got you twisted. You don't make teammates better by passing them the ball. You make them better by drawing doubles and making it easier for them to score. Its the reason sides always shoot higher fg% next to kobe. He draws so much attention it gives everyone else all sorts of room.
Right now Anthony Davis can't draw a double team. I can't take you seriously as a superstar if you can't draw doubles.
Did this nikka just say Davis is the best player he's ever seen?
What are you, 12?
Have a featured thread with incorrect spelling in the title brehs
Remind me of Garnett during his MVP years
AD is scary good. AD will end up being a top 5-10 player in the league if he keeps it up. now if only Nola would find a Scottie Pippen type all star to put next to AD with a solid bench then they're set.