Brehlorette Rachel Lindsay pays Her CAC Husband 10K a Month


Sep 23, 2015
This man used to be a chiropractor. He wasn’t a bum when she chose him. After he won, he wanted to work in the entertainment industry, but it didn’t work for him the way it worked for her.
While I don't want to knock anybody's hustle, most chiropractors are basically glorified scammers with a meaningless degree who pretend to be health professionals when they are not. It's not a job respected by people in the health field and a medical doctor will not refer you to a chiropractor unless you want to, and only for placebo effect. Serious research studies on the effects of chiropractic treatment show that they do nothing but maybe make you feel good for a while.

Physical therapists are actually the health professionals people think chiropractors are. I don't know if he was a bum but chiropractors don't make bank like that unless they're willing to scam the shyt out of their clients (and not patients)
Aug 16, 2017
While I don't want to knock anybody's hustle, most chiropractors are basically glorified scammers with a meaningless degree who pretend to be health professionals when they are not. It's not a job respected by people in the health field and a medical doctor will not refer you to a chiropractor unless you want to, and only for placebo effect. Serious research studies on the effects of chiropractic treatment show that they do nothing but maybe make you feel good for a while.

Physical therapists are actually the health professionals people think chiropractors are. I don't know if he was a bum but chiropractors don't make bank like that unless they're willing to scam the shyt out of their clients (and not patients)

He wasn’t working at a car wash. And she had to choose from the men they casted for the show, and add physical attraction. She was limited in choices the producers chose, plus the pressure to marry the guy. And there could have been genuine feelings.

The Coli goes back and forth between feelings (ugly gang) and qualities with no physical attraction. You can have both, but it’s a more difficult path. And she could have just done the show as a contestant for The Bachelor as an attempt to get into entertainment, and she caught feelings. Then she was selected as The Bachelorette, and she got the new career, but the man didn’t work out.

The next black Bachelorette chose a black man, and I hope it works, but not all reality couples make it.


This is just under the microscope because it’s a black woman, and white man.