Brehettes how does his image make you feel?


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Yes it is very illogical to conclude that because life happens, that it automatically means that I constantly trip out on him and this is some sort of hostile situation. It is very illogical to conclude that there is any sort of negative vibe between us, especially when I have done nothing but show how much I respect him in these posts.

A sucker is a man who allows himself to be disrespected, taken advantage of, cheated on, and worked like a whipping boy. That does not describe the situation we are discussing in this thread. Therefore your entire premise is illogical.

He would be a sucker to treat me the way he does if my entire attitude towards him was negative, nasty, disrespectful, and unaccommodating. But that is not the case. However I am honest enough to admit that certain things would not work in reverse, it just wouldn't. And I am not simply referring to manner of speech or how arguments are handled. And that is okay for there to be that slight difference. There is nothing wrong with that.

The adage we are discussing in this thread remains around for a reason. I am not the first to support the notion that the man needs to have a little more love than the woman, and I won't be the last to support it. My style of describing it may not be the most pleasant, but sometimes you have to get down to facts without trying to be cute.

I talk a lot about what I do for my husband, but it would be irresponsible to promote that type of behavior without discussing how he treats me in return.

A lot of men want a woman who will give him 3 homemade meals a day, do most of the housework, educate the kids, run the business, help with his errands, boost his ego, do this and do all that, but then in return she is supposed to be happy just to be married.

Nope. If I can talk about why it's important to cook, be encouraging, make your man feel important, etc- then I will also talk about the other side which is that I do that because he has proven he deserves it. Women are out here giving out too much for little in return.
Nah its illogical to think I'm going by more than what has been said in this thread. I don't know y'all off here so all I'm going by is what is said and how dudes handles said situations. I don't think you can say you show how much you respect him then do things to offset that.

A sucker describes whats going on in certain situations with you and your dude so like I said you can say its illogical but that just sounds good. Of course its okay for you to be the person dishing out bullshyt but in reverse its not cool. Everybody feels like that its nothing new.

As far as the adage its stupid just like many others namely the when a person shows you who they are believe them so I don't run with stuff just because its popular. It has to make sense and this saying doesn't make sense at all no matter what gender uses it.

Lastly we get to the basis of,your problem the old women do too much flow. Most of these chicks don't even do the stuff you talking about now they doing too much? This world is fukked with the amount of characters on both sides that will end up procreating smdh. I haven't ran into a dude IRL that wants all them fukking things. I think you've been online too much sounds like some shyt from an online thread not anything based in real life. I don't even know a married couple that runs their situation like that or even wanted to.

Again if it works for you cool but ole boy is a sucker but he likes it so hey best of luck for y'all but it seems y'all don't need it


Dec 4, 2014
Truth and logic
He only has one wife. Of course he's gonna apply those traits differently in different situations.

My question is how are you measuring love? How do you know he loves you more than you love him?

Love is a very abstract concept. It's not like you can weigh it. And everyone expresses it differently. Especially man vs woman.

Understand, I'm not challengin' your belief. Just askin' for clarification. I've been in relationships and couldn't tell you who loved who more. I can tell you someone's love language. No way I'd take those expressions & try to measure their source though.

That's a legit question. I am assuming you are a guy asking. But even if you aren't, I could only answer that question in the presence of women and this thread doesn't fit.

It's for the benefit for both women and men to not make a big deal about it. It is one of those things that should just BE without the need to go into great detail. Women should know how it goes, but they shouldn't necessarily talk about it with men or bring it to their attention. You definitely do not address this subject with your partner if you are a wise woman. Men have egos that need to be catered to. This kind of topic is really for the benefit of women.

If you are happy in your relationship, you should be happy and not worried about who loves who more. Women too. It's just something to keep in the back of your mind as a woman. It's not something to base your entire relationship on.


Dec 12, 2012
That's a legit question. I am assuming you are a guy asking. But even if you aren't, I could only answer that question in the presence of women and this thread doesn't fit.

It's for the benefit for both women and men to not make a big deal about it. It is one of those things that should just BE without the need to go into great detail. Women should know how it goes, but they shouldn't necessarily talk about it with men or bring it to their attention. You definitely do not address this subject with your partner if you are a wise woman. Men have egos that need to be catered to. This kind of topic is really for the benefit of women.

If you are happy in your relationship, you should be happy and not worried about who loves who more. Women too. It's just something to keep in the back of your mind as a woman. It's not something to base your entire relationship on.
Yes, I'm a dude. Thought I might learn somethin' today.

Sounds deceptive. Funny how "catering to his ego" is always involved in women keepin' stuff from their mate.

Are there female scientist not sharing this with their male counterparts? This info should be shared. It would be a major scientific breakthrough.

But I'm guessin' you're measurin' actions & character.


Dec 4, 2014
Truth and logic
Yes, I'm a dude. Thought I might learn somethin' today.

Sounds deceptive. Funny how "catering to his ego" is always involved in women keepin' stuff from their mate.

Are there female scientist not sharing this with their male counterparts? This info should be shared. It would be a major scientific breakthrough.

But I'm guessin' you're measurin' actions & character.

I have no idea what you are talking about. Catering to his ego involves making him feel appreciated, important, and fully supported.

Therefore, catering to his ego would not involve saying, "hey I think you love me a little bit more, lets talk about it".

Is there a compelling reason that you feel women need to discuss this with their men? If so, I'd love to hear it.

But I maintain that this is a discussion for women to have amongst themselves. I'm sure there are conversations that men have amongst themselves; so the concept is not unusual.


Dec 12, 2012
I have no idea what you are talking about. Catering to his ego involves making him feel appreciated, important, and fully supported.

Therefore, catering to his ego would not involve saying, "hey I think you love me a little bit more, lets talk about it".

Is there a compelling reason that you feel women need to discuss this with their men? If so, I'd love to hear it.

But I maintain that this is a discussion for women to have amongst themselves. I'm sure there are conversations that men have amongst themselves; so the concept is not unusual.
I thought you knew somethin' I didn't. I was wrong. Carry on.


Dec 4, 2014
Truth and logic
someone loving me more than I loved them would just make me uncomfortable lol

A misconception is that the distinction should be an obvious slap in the face. It should not. It should be subtle, slight, and just a pinch so that you don't even notice until it really matters. Then you'll be appreciative. I guess that adds the question of how do you know beforehand if you aren't supposed to really notice it.....

Like I said, this is not a public conversation. But the point is not for him to be on step 10 while you are on step 7.

But then I put my $9.99 worth of man pride aside and thought about it.

I considered the fact that, because men tend to be socialized to “conquer” while women tend to be socialized to commit, it takes a bit more for a man to entertain the idea of a long-term monogamous relationship than it usually does for a women. (and “it takes a bit more” = “he probably needs to be completely head over heels”)

I remembered that between pregnancy, (relatively) tiny reproductive windows, and the fact that sex is a much more potentially dangerous act for a woman than a man, it does kind of make sense for a woman to be completely sure that any man she chooses to lay with is completely gaga over her.

I even recalled “The Close Bus Syndrome” and “Sadie’s Shady” — two blogs I’ve written that were eventually fleshed out into full chapters in “Your Degrees Won’t Keep You Warm At Night.” Why do these blogs matter? Well, in “Sadie’s Shady” I explain that one of the main reasons why women shouldn’t pursue men is that (generally speaking) women don’t grow on men the same way men can grow on women. Basically, if a guy was really into a woman, he would have done whatever he could to pursue her first. If he hasn’t done that, he’s probably lukewarm, and if a man is lukewarm about a women he’s dating, she’s very likely to get “Close-Bused.”

Eh. It pains me to admit this, but I think Angie might have been right.

Why It’s True That Men Need To Love “Harder” Than Women | VSB

One man told me, “If I love her more, I’d be apt to be more faithful. I’d work harder at the relationship. If she’s making it all about me and I know, I’m gonna take advantage.”

And he’s not a dog. Which is usually something women jump to call men who disagree with them. He’s just a man. Because of their nature, at least what my old school women folk have told me, a man should love a woman more than she does him. It doesn’t mean that the woman loves him less. A woman will always a love her man, and that love will cause 99.9% of them to be faithful out of loyalty. On another note, a man in love with his woman, would only be less likely to cheat by 50%. The rest of him would stay faithful because of a lack of options, opportunity, convenience and time. If he loves her more, the chances for him being faithful are greater no matter what.

A man’s nature is that of needing to be in control and conquer that which he can’t subdue. The most powerful, alpha man, can be the most vulnerable man once he’s in love. He’ll love his woman, more than himself at times. She may never know it, but it’s how he feels. He needs to feel this way. He won’t necessarily feel she loves him less, because a woman’s love is wide and expansive, no matter how small. Who can measure the love between two people? It’s foolish to think someone loves you as much as you love them. There are little fragments of differences that pertain to situations, circumstances and other variables you can’t measure. And you know what? That’s ok. I certainly wouldn’t want to know HOW MUCH by cup size does my man loves me. So, I can complain that it’s not enough? This is most women’s main complaint. It’s best to leave well enough alone in that case. Actions tell about ¾ of the story of love, the rest is said in silence.

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May 29, 2014
Reading this from the outside. You love that man more. And that's how' it's supposed to be.

For a healthy relationship, the man is an oak tree were his woman takes shade. Through the winter and summers of a woman's emotions, oak tree still stands protecting her from herself.
You annoy me but....

That was beautiful :damn:

but :usure: at protecting her from herself though..
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Dec 24, 2014
For a healthy relationship, the man is an oak tree were his woman takes shade. Through the winter and summers of a woman's emotions, oak tree still stands protecting her from herself.
