No it's not. These hoes think the basic successful blueprint for a family structure is outdated. There's a reason it is used because it works. They want to be able to do whatever they want without repercussions or accountability but that's not how life works. Feminism fukked these non-traditional women's brains up for real. Just another example how the key to disrupting the black community has been and will always start with dismantling the 2 parent household. Even celebrities with money can't escape the grip of entrenched disenfranchsing thought processes.Wanting to have babies not out of Wedlock is considered Conservatism now
Wanting to have babies not out of Wedlock is considered Conservatism now
it kind of is when you analyze things from a pre - modernist / modernist/ post modernist perspective.
marriage has been an institution established by the state to create hierarchy at a micro level which based on common conservative believe is the key to a stable social order
hierarchy = Conservatism
Wanting to have babies not out of Wedlock is considered Conservatism now
Could argue marriage has been modernized tho. People are free to get divorced no matter the reason. Pre-nups exist. Taxes incentives to entice marriage for financial reasons. We even have open marriages and swingers are normalized to an extent. The drawbacks of marriage for women just aren't there liek they used to be. I think people are too fickle these days adds a lot to it. Even if a woman is a hoe the main concern should always be not getting pregnant. That's should be concern number one of any sexually active woman but a lot of them just want a kid and not a husband shyt is kind of is when you analyze things from a pre - modernist / modernist/ post modernist perspective.
marriage has been an institution established by the state to create hierarchy at a micro level which based on common conservative believe is the key to a stable social order
hierarchy = Conservatism
Marriage existed among religions before it was institutionalized by governments. Societies embraced it because it is an extremely stabilizing arrangement as far as societal stability.
Could argue marriage has been modernized tho. People are free to get divorced no matter the reason. Pre-nups exist. Taxes incentives to entice marriage for financial reasons. We even have open marriages and swingers are normalized to an extent. The drawbacks of marriage for women just aren't there liek they used to be. I think people are too fickle these days adds a lot to it. Even if a woman is a hoe the main concern should always be not getting pregnant. That's should be concern number one of any sexually active woman but a lot of them just want a kid and not a husband shyt is weird.
Even then some form of marriage existed even before most religions of today. Tribes of humans used to give their daughters away to men to take care of them and protect them and form bonds and connections. It was also an easier way to know who's child the woman was bearing. 2 guaranted parents allowed the child to learn their role in society from either role model of the same sex. Humans aren't monogamous biologically but we are conscious animals with the intelligence to see the usefulness it has socially. Thats why people who preach non monogamy are typically thinking on a biological level. But socially we have advanced to the point you can be ethically non monogamous if that is something you need since we have things like birth control and laws to protect people.Marriage existed among religions before it was institutionalized by governments. Societies embraced it because it is an extremely stabilizing arrangement as far as societal stability.