Breh talks about his experience as a black male in Corporate America


Mar 11, 2022
This is an immigrant mentality y'all always down play white supremacy when cacs are not as threatened by you as FBA people

Iirc ive had this convo with you a few times and what you fail to release is this: non ADOS does NOT equal what you subconsciously pigeon hole it as which is overtly AFRICAN men/women with overtly African names and accents. You tell on yourself over and over and over again.

There are non-ADOS people from the Caribbean, non ADOS Africans who look American. Non ADOS people born here. Non ADOS from mixed parents, non-ADOS with American first and/or last names. All of that is relevant bc to white people: THEY ARE BLACK

So wtf are you even saying ‘not as threatened’. You are telling on yourself that you have a MENTALITY that’s broken when you assume your blackness is holding you back. Bc people that look exactly like you are not having this experience

Does white supremacy exist? Yes. Does it exist to the the point that in 2024 you can use it carte Blanche like simply being black is holding you back at EVERY step of the way? fukk no. Man up


May 1, 2012
I work at a major financial firm and have never had problems fitting in. In my experience personally, I haven't really met any black people who struggle in corporate however I've met plenty of Asians who do. Specifically second gen Indians and Chinese. That's part time cultural but the bigger issue is a lot of the ones I deal with have terrible social skills and don't want anything to do with coworkers. I don't think you HAVE to be super social to do well in corporate jobs but you have to at least be sociable. Know how to talk to people, work in teams, work with people of the opposite sex, talk to clients, etc. And in my experience a lot of them can't do those things on a high enough level to advance here.

I would also say I've witnessed more racism and potential racism from them than white people. I have a management position and often interview people; I don't directly hire but my thumbs up/thumbs down rules in most cases. I'll never forget interviewing a 2nd gen Chinese American guy who got flustered 10 minutes in and started asking about my educational background. Not on some "oh so you went to xyz university, cool" shyt but moreso like....why do you have this job, where did you go to school, is there someone else (ie white) that I can talk to etc. Needless to say he didn't get hired. And while that's an extreme example I've definitely gotten similar vibes from other people with that background.


My advice to black people in corporate: excel at the work and be the guy people want on their team. So much corporate shyt revolves around working with a handful of people on something. You need excellent communication skills first off. In cases where you have group work, be the guy who is indispensable. Trust me, there is dead weight at many corporate jobs and none of them are black men or women. It's lazy white guys in their 40s-50s. But always remember those guys are probably the last of a dying breed of corporate rot that won't exist in 10-20 years. While they're here....they will eventually help you. Trust me lol.



Gleaming and Empty
May 11, 2012
I work at a major financial firm and have never had problems fitting in. In my experience personally, I haven't really met any black people who struggle in corporate however I've met plenty of Asians who do. Specifically second gen Indians and Chinese. That's part time cultural but the bigger issue is a lot of the ones I deal with have terrible social skills and don't want anything to do with coworkers. I don't think you HAVE to be super social to do well in corporate jobs but you have to at least be sociable. Know how to talk to people, work in teams, work with people of the opposite sex, talk to clients, etc. And in my experience a lot of them can't do those things on a high enough level to advance here.

I would also say I've witnessed more racism and potential racism from them than white people. I have a management position and often interview people; I don't directly hire but my thumbs up/thumbs down rules in most cases. I'll never forget interviewing a 2nd gen Chinese American guy who got flustered 10 minutes in and started asking about my educational background. Not on some "oh so you went to xyz university, cool" shyt but moreso like....why do you have this job, where did you go to school, is there someone else (ie white) that I can talk to etc. Needless to say he didn't get hired. And while that's an extreme example I've definitely gotten similar vibes from other people with that background.


My advice to black people in corporate: excel at the work and be the guy people want on their team. So much corporate shyt revolves around working with a handful of people on something. You need excellent communication skills first off. In cases where you have group work, be the guy who is indispensable. Trust me, there is dead weight at many corporate jobs and none of them are black men or women. It's lazy white guys in their 40s-50s. But always remember those guys are probably the last of a dying breed of corporate rot that won't exist in 10-20 years. While they're here....they will eventually help you. Trust me lol.

We got a old white dude as a contractor on my team who does the task I learned like week one or two. thats all he does. this shyt literally takes no more than 2 or 3 hours to do daily. Hes a pleasant guy but we be working forreal and this old ofay be chilling for 6 hours out of the day. I'm shocked he hasn't been let go yet but thats the benefits of a decent company I suppose


This my city
May 9, 2012
Lemongrass, cherries, alkaline water
The reality is you can do everything right as a Black man working in corporate America but its the type of person your manager is that dictates much of your experience, they'll ultimately be your biggest advocate (or not). Breh in the video just got dealt a bad hand with the second job he spoke about.

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
We got a old white dude as a contractor on my team who does the task I learned like week one or two. thats all he does. this shyt literally takes no more than 2 or 3 hours to do daily. Hes a pleasant guy but we be working forreal and this old ofay be chilling for 6 hours out of the day. I'm shocked he hasn't been let go yet but thats the benefits of a decent company I suppose

Yup this is def how it goes. As long as we understand we're never gonna be that'll be fine. I also think black people are in good position going forward because of how dumb a lot of younger white people are today. Sure you could say younger people are dumb regardless of race but I'm singling out white people because of the way many college grads act in interviews. The level of unprofessionalism is stunning and something I wasn't seeing just 5 years ago. Then when you do hire them, some are oddly hellbent on implementing their political beliefs. I'm not talking about identity stuff, which is fine in a corporate setting (there are going to be gay, trans, etc people). I'm talking about like...we have a client who is a major oil/gas corporation, and I had a recent hire tell me she didn't want to come to the client meeting because of her beliefs on climate change. She saw our client list before she applied for the job btw, it's not like this was some shock.

Black people don't do that stuff, and our professionalism is a stark contrast to certain other people. The weird social issue shyt is a very white...specifically white woman...way of operating. They bytch about the system, join the system, bytch some more, and then in 10-15 years become the biggest proponent of the system.
Last edited:
Dec 19, 2017

You can be yourself more than you think in corporate America if you know how to move. You don't have to c00n/tapdance/sambo but you also gotta know not to be 5 percent militant brother either.

I'll never forget the comments I heard around the Walter Scott police shooting in South Carolina some years back. Very disappointing by some (black people included) where I worked. Then when the video dropped a few days later and witnessing the pivot. Someone finally asked me my thoughts randomly since I was from Charleston where it happened. Told em that he was my cousin and not distant either (grandad's brother son) and the same cacs and c00ns who were on that :mjpls: switched up quick. But I'm never surprised.

There's a reason you don't discuss politics and religion at work. Just stick to the subjects you said and you'll be fine. I still offer my opinions from a brotha perspective when asked and again you can do that without c00nin or being super militant
This 100%.

Good benefit of listening is learning where people stand without revealing your own inner thoughts. Conservatives usually give themselves away talking about preferring college football/basketball over the NBA/NFL. Shyt NEVER fails. Surprisingly, most of my white coworkers are wayyyy more progressive than I expected. Very anti-MAGA, pro choice etc. Still don't go to deep with them but I let them shyt talk Trump anytime and laugh at the jokes.

Concerned Citizen

Stevie Wonder 2099
May 27, 2012
I’m not gonna invalidate the next breh’s experience but I’ve been promoted every 2 years of not sooner at any employer I’ve been with and I’m in the govt contracting/financial services industry. :yeshrug:


May 1, 2012
Had to cut the video off on the middle. He works in a field with nothing but women. Of course he's gonna experience nothing but endless drama.
And he's working as a contractor. Who get treated like 2nd class citizens at every company.


Gleaming and Empty
May 11, 2012
Yup this is def how it goes. As long as we understand we're never gonna be that'll be fine. I also think black people are in good position going forward because of how dumb a lot of younger white people are today. Sure you could say younger people are dumb regardless of race but I'm singling out white people because of the way many college grads act in interviews. The level of unprofessionalism is stunning and something I wasn't seeing just 5 years ago. Then when you do hire them, some are oddly hellbent on implementing their political beliefs. I'm not talking about identity stuff, which is fine in a corporate setting (there are going to be gay, trans, etc people). I'm talking about like...we have a client who is a major oil/gas corporation, and I had a recent hire tell me she didn't want to come to the client meeting because of her beliefs on climate change. She saw our client list before she applied for the job btw, it's not like this was some shock.

Black people don't do that stuff, and our professionalism is a stark contrast to certain other people. The weird social issue shyt is a very white...specifically white woman...way of operating. They bytch about the system, join the system, bytch some more, and then in 10-15 years become the biggest proponent of the system.

Yeah that political shyt I dont fukk with at all at work. It offers zero benefit. Learned that in the military. In fact the way you carry yourself you barely have to let ur affiliations be known. They can just tell oh, he aint on no good ol boy shyt. He just trying to work and keep it moving


May 1, 2012
:picard: All of this sounds awful just start a business and keep your identity sheesh