Breh attempts to break it down to a BBW virgin why she is still single, she starts to cry


Aug 18, 2013
First off, this is not even rage bait. He tried his hardest to be respectful, even repeated himself plenty of times for her to understand


Breh said

- "Lets talk about Men first. Men have to elevate in their attributes to get the women they want. You said yourself you don't like short men and that disqualifies them. Well short men now have to gain attributes in other areas. Whether to get in the gym more, make more money, gain more confidence, be more assertive, etc etc"
- "Well now for Women. If you want to get the man you want, you have to understand that the #1 attribute men look for is looks. We value women who are in shape, and take fitness seriously"

She said
- "I'm not conceited... but alot of the percentage of the time I'm not the problem"
- "You mentioned a Man who's 34, lives in his mom's basement, and unemployed. He he needs to work on himself. But that is different from me. I can't be a with a man that makes looks so important to him"

I've realized over the years that alot of Modern women are very clueless on the Male-Female engagement when it comes to dating. Not sure if it's the high percentage of Single mothers and mothers not having the time or energy to teach their daughters correctly. Or it could be the media pumping feminist babble in women's heads. They have 0 clue what men want. 0 accountability of why they are single in the first place. It's sad and interesting at the same time. She said herself she's picky and only wants a certain type of man. But starts crying and is confused why the men she wants does not want her :francis: :mjlol:


May 1, 2012
I've realized over the years that alot of Modern women are very clueless on the Male-Female engagement when it comes to dating. Not sure if it's the high percentage of Single mothers and mothers not having the time or energy to teach their daughters correctly. Or it could be the media pumping feminist babble in women's heads. They have 0 clue what men want. 0 accountability of why they are single in the first place. It's sad and interesting at the same time. She said herself she's picky and only wants a certain type of man. But starts crying and is confused why the men she wants does not want her :francis: :mjlol:

Many are growing up in dynamics where the father isn't at home so they are getting their ideas of what a man should be from women and other delusionals online.


Mar 11, 2022
First off, this is not even rage bait. He tried his hardest to be respectful, even repeated himself plenty of times for her to understand


Breh said

- "Lets talk about Men first. Men have to elevate in their attributes to get the women they want. You said yourself you don't like short men and that disqualifies them. Well short men now have to gain attributes in other areas. Whether to get in the gym more, make more money, gain more confidence, be more assertive, etc etc"
- "Well now for Women. If you want to get the man you want, you have to understand that the #1 attribute men look for is looks. We value women who are in shape, and take fitness seriously"

She said
- "I'm not conceited... but alot of the percentage of the time I'm not the problem"
- "You mentioned a Man who's 34, lives in his mom's basement, and unemployed. He he needs to work on himself. But that is different from me. I can't be a with a man that makes looks so important to him"

I've realized over the years that alot of Modern women are very clueless on the Male-Female engagement when it comes to dating. Not sure if it's the high percentage of Single mothers and mothers not having the time or energy to teach their daughters correctly. Or it could be the media pumping feminist babble in women's heads. They have 0 clue what men want. 0 accountability of why they are single in the first place. It's sad and interesting at the same time. She said herself she's picky and only wants a certain type of man. But starts crying and is confused why the men she wants does not want her :francis: :mjlol:

I hear men say all the time that men can separate themselves from sex, whereas a woman can't. They're emotionally invested in sex which is why a lot of men say "it's different" when a woman cheats.

Despite knowing this dudes are still sliding in hoes Dm's that they would fukk, but wouldn't date, and then wonder why you have all these hoes who've grown accustomed to a certain type of dude, meanwhile not having tangible access to them outside the bedroom. I hear all the time

"we can't win...It's 4's with a inbox full of Chads and Tyrones...We can't win!!!":sadcam:


Stop gassing up these hoes, and the universe will align itself.