Once ISIS is gone don't expect the US to leave. More and more their intentions are becoming about preventing a link between the Syrian and Iraqi border. That link would all but end the war in Syria once the PMUs finish off Mosul.
Their next move would then be to get into Syria and finish off the south east and free the government soldiers ambushed by Isis there.
For some reason the US has opposed this and recently 3 times hit Syrian soldiers in that region. WaPo straight out posted today that it is not in Israel's interests for that link to be made because. IRAN. They views this as a connection from Tehran to Beirut which God forbid apparently means Armageddon to the regime in Israel.
Meanwhile the little doggy in Saudi Arabia has the same interests as Israel and them being our bosses, POTUS will listen to their instructions like the trained puppy he has become to his masters. Liberal media claims that Putin is his daddy. Nope it's Netanyahu and Salman the peddo