So you are picking the side that is killing our people who are in the military over the side that is sending our people to fight for those who are not like us? While I am choosing not to support either side, because in the end neither side is an ally to us as Black people.because it's always us who dies for israel's crimes, or while fighting their proxy wars for them, or directly at the hands of their soldiers. when's the last time a palestinian caused the death of a Black american?
“Logistics” Outpost in Jordan Where 3 U.S. Troops Died Is Secretly a Drone Base
The Pentagon is covering up the real purpose of Tower 22: targeting the very Iran-backed militants that launched a drone attack last
U.S. Troops in Jordan Killed in Retaliation for American Support of Israel
As Israel becomes more of a liability than an asset to U.S. interests, Washington digs its heels in the Middle
The Palestinians are being supported by the same people who made Black people slaves for over 1300 years, while the Israelis are supported by the same country that has enslaved and mistreated us for hundreds of years. Neither group deserves our support, in my opinion.
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