Hezbollah started in 1982 to fight against Israel taking more land in Lebanon.
Does that define a terrorist group or are you just repeating things you heard?
As a nikka that actually gets down in the streets, if you can look at this shyt and try to both sides it, your opinion is irrelevant to any serious conversation.
Thanks for your input, keep it inside next time (pause)
No, it is the actions that determine what is a terrorist group and what is not. If you are indiscriminately killing innocent people in your attempt to harm your enemy, then you are a terrorist group in my opinion. So that designation includes Israel, Hezbollah, the US, and all the others who will kill many to get at the few.
I do not support the evil being done by any of them, and I do not choose a side on any of them because they all have a history of aiding in the harm of my people. So if freedom fighters are out there blowing up areas of people who include those who are innocent, I will not support them either. Just like I do not support Israel's indiscriminate bombing of enemy operatives, when those bombs can harm people who are innocent but happen to be standing near the target.