BREAKING: Trump Backed Republican Governor Loses in Louisiana


May 1, 2012
Dude no matter what the Democrats offer black ppl these rich black ppl are not going to support them. It's a con. You fell for it, I fell for it, and alot more poor black ppl fell for it.

The rich black ppl told the Democrats to either give black ppl reparations or tangibles or black ppl won't vote. Because they know its automatic political suicide. They trick the candidate into saying:
"I'm going to specifically give black ppl tangibles" then the rich black ppl say "I ain't failing for that bullsht he/she just pandering to get the black vote".

Then another candidate says "I'm going to specifically give black ppl trillions in reparations if they're ADOS" then the rich black ppl say "I ain't endorsing him/her because he/she's only saying that because he/she knows she don't have a chance in hell at winning"

It's all bullsht and a con. Rich black ppl are convincing non rich black ppl to vote against their own interests in disguise of "The democrats do everything for everybody else except black ppl and we the ones being loyal to them"

Rich white ppl are convincing poor white ppl to vote against their own interests in disguise of symbolic victories which is rich white men winning. They blind of the fact that this rich white man wouldn't pay for your funeral if you got murdered at one of his rallies. He wouldn't even actknowledge you. He will help this rich black man before he help a poor white person.

We gotta vote in our interest. The only difference it will make is if your rich or poor. If you rich the Republicans benefits you the most. If you're poor(not rich) the Democrats benefits you the most. Stop being conned
:francis: You a loss person fam. At a certain point which we are close to already, black people gonna have zero wealth or we gonna wake up and stop allow the dems to use us as political rats.

At this point I don’t give a fukk if this country falls, cause my people are done here without a major revolution anyway


Richest shooter
Jun 2, 2013
:francis: You a loss person fam. At a certain point which we are close to already, black people gonna have zero wealth or we gonna wake up and stop allow the dems to use us as political rays.

At this point I don’t give a fukk if this country falls, cause my people are done here without a major revolution anyway

The country not gonna fall. The poor is gonna fall and the rich are gonna be good. Besides reparations what agenda do you have for the democrats? Also MW is supporting reparations for ADOS

Bunchy Carter

I'll Take The Money Over The Honey
May 19, 2014
Triple O.G. Bunchy Carter
literally nobody runs this kind of talk except white supremacists. Nobody. Negged. I'm gonna start negging you dudes. We knew you were coming. 8 hearings this week. Gotta show your face sometime huh?

I don't give a fukk about a neg.

You clowns on here talking about democrats and republicans, they are both white supremacist.



Richest shooter
Jun 2, 2013
I don't give a fukk about a neg.

There are white supremacist on both side.

The bottom line is

The rich black ppl benefit from the Republican white supremacists

The poor(non rich) black ppl benefit from the Democrat white supremacists

Therefore if you're a rich black person who don't give a fck about poor black ppl you vote for the Republican white supremacists

if you're a poor black personwho you vote for the Democrat white supremacists

if you're a rich white person who don't give a fck about poor white ppl you vote for the Republican white supremacists

if you're a poor white person you vote for the Democratic white supremacists


May 1, 2012
The country not gonna fall. The poor is gonna fall and the rich are gonna be good. Besides reparations what agenda do you have for the democrats? Also MW is supporting reparations for ADOS
I don’t care if I gotta take 10 steps backs to move 1 step then the point we at now.

and yea reparations is one, but money isn’t the only form of reperations. Free college for my kids, help repair the communities that they help destroy, real prison reform.

I make a decent living and live comfortably, but I’m not at all cool with the state of black people. Maybe you comfortable and I respect that, but stop trying to shame people who don’t feel they comfortable with that state of our people and tell them they shouldn’t do nothing drastic. And voting for the same candidates who don’t have nothing for us on the agenda is race suicide imo


Richest shooter
Jun 2, 2013
I don’t care if I gotta take 10 steps backs to move 1 step then the point we at now.

and yea reparations is one, but money isn’t the only form of reperations. Free college for my kids, help repair the communities that they help destroy, real prison reform.

I make a decent living and live comfortably, but I’m not at all cool with the state of black people. Maybe you comfortable and I respect that, but stop trying to shame people who don’t feel they comfortable with that state of our people and tell them they shouldn’t do nothing drastic. And voting for the same candidates who don’t have nothing for us on the agenda is race suicide imo

Dude you didn't really give a legit agenda. What do you want them to give black ppl that they give the lgbt and other groups that you said they prioritize over black ppl?

No candidate offering reparations is gonna win so we got to take that off the table.

Ghost Utmost

The Soul of the Internet
May 2, 2012
the Aether
Real question at what point does the dems putting literally every other group agenda over ours even tho we the ones in most dire need make us say fukk them also.

I know I’m not rich also and the republicans ain’t for me. But shyt the dems either if they gonna use us for the vote and totally disregard us after.

at this certain I don’t care what happens cause obviously nothin in they agenda is to push our people.


One more time

But SOMETHING will happen after the election. Not-voting doesn't stop the next person who get into office from doing things.

Some things - even if they are not labeled "tangibles for only Black people" - will benefit YOU.

Other types of things will be bad for YOU.

Even if no one ever come to Black people with all the justice in the world to fix everything for us (which - no one can actually fix us, besides us) ... the things that they do will affect us for good or for bad.

This is the reason to oppose White Nationalists. If you've never read their material, I'll spoil it for you:

death or enslavement for all Black people as well as pretty much everyone else except White people.

The other party could be almost anything besides a KKK Nazi group and it would be


for us


Aug 7, 2019
No agenda no vote. Save the c00ning and the "we shouldnt ask for much massa gonna be angry" arguments for someone else

Bunchy Carter

I'll Take The Money Over The Honey
May 19, 2014
Triple O.G. Bunchy Carter
so when are you going to start a political party and how do we support it?

With a sarcastically stupid question like that, it shows you have never heard of Dr. Claude Anderson

I'm putting you on ignore, because your stupidity

Dr. Claud Anderson: Black people need to come out of ALL of the Political Parties

by Michael Imhotep,

Dr. Claud Anderson is the author of “Black Labor White Wealth”, “PowerNomics” and is featured in the documentary “HIDDEN COLORS 2: The Triumph of Melanin”. He is one of my teachers and was my guest on “The Michael Imhotep Show”, Nov. 5th, 2014. We talked about 2 main topics, The Black Freedmen Indian Treaties of 1866 which is our best chance to get any type of Reparations and How To Play The Game of Politics To WIN!!!

Did you know that all 5 Tribes of the Civilized Indians owned Black Slaves? We talked about “The Black Freedmen Indian Treaties of 1866” which was supposed to give REPARATIONS to African Americans and put us into a protected class like Native Americans. All 5 Tribes of Civilized Indians, (the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Cherokee, Creek and Seminole Indians) owned Black Slaves. When they were pushed off of their land in Southeastern United States because of the Indian Removal Act of 1830 they went out West on “The Trail of Tears”. They took their Black Slaves with them. The Black Freedmen Indian Treaties of 1866 was supposed to give REPARATIONS to the Blacks who were Slaves of these 5 Tribes, their descendants and the Black Freedmen in these Indian Territories and put these groups of Blacks into a protected class like Native Americans.

This treaty is still in effect for these specific 5 Native American nations but Blacks were pushed out of the treaty about 1941 when the U.S. Government conspired with these Native Americans nations to redefine what a Native American is. It specified that you had to have at least 1/4 Native American blood when the original treaty did not specify that. All 5 Tribes today get $3.5 Billion in aid each year from the Federal Government and free taxes, college tuition, casino licenses, radio station licenses and tv station licenses, etc. Pres. Obama also meets with representatives from the over 500 Tribal Nations each year at The White House Tribal Nations Conference.

President Barack Obama at The White House Tribal Nations Conference, Dec. 3rd, 2014
What most African Americans don’t know is that we are Indigenous to North, Central and South America and were here before Native Americans came into existence. We have been here at least 51,700 years. There were millions of us here before Europeans came here in the 1500s and then in 1607 in Jamestown, VA. We were here long before the Spanish started bringing Africans into the territory we today call South Carolina in the 1520s or before August 20, 1619 in Jamestown, VA. Please read “The First Americans Were Africans: Documented Evidence” by Dr. David Imhotep. (WATCH VIDEO)

Dr. David Imhotep
Dr. Claud Anderson and I also talked about “How To Play The Game of POLITICS to WIN”. This interview was the day after the 2014 November elections. We discussed how African Americans have never been taught how to play the game of Politics to win. We have largely been taught to vote and march and that is about it. Dr. Anderson talked about why we need to come out of all of the political parties, the need to push an agenda to Political Candidates and financially contributing to political campaigns

We haven’t been taught to help finance campaigns or been taught that Politicians respond faster to those who donated to their campaigns than they do to those who voted for them. To be able to control the Politics in our communities we first have to control our Economics. This is why Dr. Anderson is a big proponent of Economic Empowerment and business ownership for African Americans. As he says, you take the money you make from your businesses and buy every Politician you can to get what you need. The ones you can’t buy you rent or lease them.

The nature of Politics is “quid pro quo” or something for something. You are exchanging you vote and support for something tangible. You are pushing your agenda, needs and concerns and focusing on getting your needs met in exchange for supporting a candidate. Every interest group and ethnic group understands this except African Americans.
Roland Martin host of “News One Now” on TV ONE often compares how the LGBT community presented President Obama with a 54 page agenda within 60 days of his first term in 2009 with African American Civil Rights Leaders in January 2013 presenting Pres. Obama with a “Black Agenda” which was about 7 pages and you don’t hear much about it today. We are the only people who say that Obama is the President of “all people” and that’s why he can’t do any thing for African American. No other group of people would give a candidate 95% or 96% of their vote and say something so politically naive and not push an agenda to get something tangible for their vote. This is why having an agenda is so important.

Visit Dr. Claud Anderson’s website at to find out more about The Black Freedmen Indian Treaties of 1866 and the lawsuit against the Federal Government that Dr. Anderson filed in 2006 to enforce this Treaty for African Americans.

Dr. Claud Anderson: Black people need to come out of ALL of the Political Parties - Your Black World
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